Ch.5 A Fly

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The little cute girl poked her head out of a box. She said something but I couldn't understand, sounded like she slurred it. "What?" The kid walked slowly toward her but she gasped and took off. "Hey w-wait! It's dangerous out here!" He turned his head toward me,"Come on! We have to go catch her!"
Already in a jog,"Don't have to tell me twice kid!" She bolted right and ran into another aisle. She yelled out something but again, slurred her words. Towards the end of the aisle the girl was getting ahead of us and with another turn. We lost her.
I caught up with the kid who was panting against an orange metal shelf. "Where'd she go?"

He breathed ," I-I don't know." I sighed and stood up. "Well we have to find her, who know's how many walkers are in here." He caught his breath "Here we'll split up. I'll go that way." He stood up and pointed with his sword thing, down a row of massive shelves, and you'll check the other side of the warehouse, and if something happens, just shout for each other. Ok?" I nodded,"Ok kid. Let's go and be careful about those walkers."

We turned away from each other and ran around the football sized store shouting for her. Was she between one of the shelves? Or just plain running away from us? Well whatever was the case we had to find her. Then I heard a high pitched shriek. I ran into the direction of the scream and followed it back to where the kid had threw the rock. I looked around and saw the girl was crouched into a ball behind a cash register in a corner. Three walkers were trying to get through but their dumb ass brain delayed them.

I stopped and took aim. I fired two shots into each zombie. The shots rang out through the whole warehouse. I ran over and vaulted the conveyor belt. The girl shrieked and tried to force her way though the concrete wall, her shoes slipping. I put my gun to my side and stuck out my hand. "Shh." I tried to calm her, "It's okay. You're safe." She shook her head and sobbed a little. I heard footsteps coming behind me, I snapped around and aimed. "Whoa it's me." The kid put up his hands in surrender, his chest elevating up and down. "Oh, sorry. Anyways I found her and shot those zombies trying to get her.

He bent over and put his hands on his knees, "Oh thank god." He panted. "Anyways." He looked up and opened the cashier door. The girl back away from him. He put away his sword in his case thing and squatted down. "Estas bien?" What? "Soy Kollin. Y Tu?" She wiped her tears and choked,"S-soy C-Carm-men."

"Y S-si estoy bien." He took out his canteen and gave it to her who took a few gulps. She handed it back to him, "Gracias." She looked at me now. "Quien es." she pointed to me. "Oh, su? Ella se lamabas Brigette." "Bri-Brijett?" She puzzled my name and the kid laughed, "Si, es Brijett." He stuck out his hand but she jumped up and ran straight to me hugging my legs. Aww cute. She's so tiny. She wiped her face on my tan pants and looked at me. "Yo quiero quedarse con ella." She looked at me and smiled. "What she say kid?" I looked at him.

"She says she wants to stay with you." he pushed his glasses up and sipped his canteen. "Maybe you'll get to protect her, she seems interested in you." He smirked. I bent down and picked the little girl up, holding her with my left hand. She exclaimed,"Yay, Brijett." Even Cuter. I booped her on the nose, "Aren't you cute little one."

The kid's voice went from a soft sweet note to a more serious tone. "Hey Brigette. We have to go now, because of those shots you fired. Who knows who could've heard that. Or what." I looked over and nodded, "Okay. And we'll have to pick up some more food for what's now all three of us." He pulled out his sword and we made our way out of the warehouse. God he sounds just like Sergeant Runes.

In the same outlet, we stopped by a grocery store called Bons'. Getting in was the easy part. The kid told me there wasn't any power so the alarm wouldn't work but he didn't have the muscle to do so. With the butt of my rifle, I smashed the glass door and pushed the door open. I walked through the entrance, the kid behind me and Carmen to my left. He read a hanging cloth sign,"Stock up for the Apocalypse, the essential sale! huh. I guess that didn't last long." Under the cloth sign was a table that under it, some spiders had found a new home.

The kid walked over to the table,"Hey look some people were probably in such a rush they didn't even see these. He bent over and picked up two cans and analyzed them. "Look Brigette some chicken soup." He showed it to me and put them in his bag. "Maybe we can find some more stuff as well. H-hey where'd Camen go?" "Carmen? She was just right-." I looked to my left. She was gone. "Aw shit." I took a few steps forward and looked around. A high pitched greet was heard by the both of us and we both looked left towards the conveyor belts. There was Carmen standing on top of a belt, waving and pointing down at something she found. I looked over at the Kid. He gave me a "well whatever" look and we strolled over to Carmen.

We both walked towards Carmen, who crouched down. The little girl was tinkering over something. Looked like a metal door. "Que es eso?" The kid crouched down next to her. I took overwatch. "Tu sabes como forzar cerraduras?" "Si, mi enseñe mí." She kept fiddling with the box. "Tu madre ensañaste tu?" She stopped and looked down, her voice seemed quieter, "Sí, tiempo estaba dificíl." The kid paused for a moment,"Hey, estarías bien." He smiled and patted her shoulder. She gave a cute giggle and went back to working on whatever what it was. We decided that it was safe for her to stay here and go see what the store had to offer.

"So." I smashed a walker's head in with my rifle, "What was that whole conversation about with. Carmen." "Her? Hyaa!" He slashed another's head off, and winced at it. "Not the first beheadment huh? Well you'll get used to it." I laughed. "Yeah, it's kinda gruesome. But she knows how to pick locks. Learned it from her mother." He bent down to check the shelves, "Her mom? Where is her mom anyways?" He reached for something in the back. "Well, from what I got it seems like she had a tough time."

He stood back up, "Oo look, canned peaches." I looked over and saw that he was holding bright orange cans. "Did you say peaches?" He turned to me. "Yeah, I was thinking we could sh-." "Kid. If you don't wanna die, I suggest you give me those peaches." Fear struck his face,"W-what?" I stalked towards him in the narrow isle and he backed up into one fo the shelves. "Now listen here Kid. I love me some canned peaches. Ever since I was little and when they rationed them out for thanksgiving, I always got the peaches. Even so my nickname was "Peach". He surrendered his hands,"H-hey, I didn't even like peaches anyway." And surrendered the can to my rucksack. "There you go. Good boy."

I held my hand up to pat his head but he turned his head as if he was going to recieve a smack. Scared, aren't you? I patted his head and he looked up. "C-can I call you 'Peach' then? I-It seems easier than 'Brigetté'." Hmm, it does sound easier to say and I imagined the small boy say ,"Peach." Aw yeah, cute. "Sure kid, you can call me 'Peach'." I smiled. The rest of the store had either a walker or a few cans of nothingness. After that we decided that we went back to Carmen. She sat on a conveyor belt holding a paper.

"Hey girl what'cha doin'?" I asked, wondering if she could understand me. "I-I read." she stuttered with a heavy accent. "Reading? Reading what?" She swung her feet,"Una mapa." "What she say kid, A map?" He squatted down and looked through safe. Wait she got through a safe? Guess she is handy. "Huh?" A bang sounded below me. "Owie." The kid rubbed his head, "Yeah a map." "Here le'mme see." She handed it to me with both hands. "Let's see here." The map was a regular street map with red markings on it. "Kid what street are we on?" "Mm" his voice echoed through a safe. "We should be on. Harbor and Adams I think." (Streets around my home) "Ok well according to the map it seems like some sort'a stash at the end of this. Maybe we should check it out tommorow, plus it's a little close from our little base. It's getting pretty late and there's nothing left of the store anyways." "Sure and uh." He stood up holding something. "What's that?" "It looks like a key or something." He flipped it over examining it. It was tied to a necklace. "Well, maybe it's important. I'll keep it." He strung it over his head and tucked the key in his shirt.

"Carmen, c'mon we're moving out." I got off the belt. "Qué?" "Nosotros vamos a casa nuestro." "Ohh. Brijette habla comico." They both laughed. "What?" I looked at both of them, who both were smirking. "Eh. Whatever c'mon Kid let's go." I took Carmen by the hand and the Kid followed back to our home.

Yay, got my phone taken away and I was able to do this on my computer yay. Anyways I hoped you're enjoying this story so far and If you find something like a error or typo please tell me then I'll be able to fix it and make everyone happy. Yay.

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