Chapter 1

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After picking up the book on the ground,many weird things started to happen. Flowers wilted,people stopped in their tracks,thunder boomed loud,and something else fell out of the sky...a pen. A pen that was labeled Death Note just as well. It was strange that two items labeled just the same fell out of the sky and the fact that others were frozen stiff in their tracks. I couldn't believe my eyes.

The book asked us to write one name before everything was back to normal.

Since we were living in New York we had news on some buildings to show the news,and just to glance up and see that somebody was a murderer.

I saw that it showed his full name,Joseph Dooly, and in the Death Note it said to write a full name and that person would die in the next 40 seconds. I decided to write the full name and me and the girl waited.

I stared at my phone with the timer on set for 40 seconds. Forty seconds was almost up,35,36,37,38,39!Next thing that happened was that the reporter on television said that the man had died clutching his chest and fell to the ground in agony. "Do you think it was a coincidence or did it really work?" I asked the girl. "I personally think that it worked!" she said.

"I mean I think it works too but nothin is back to normal,so it couldn't have

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