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Hey wassup 👋

The names Mal Mal 💃

I like write anything that comes to mind 📝

I mostly like to write tragic love stories, hope you don't mind 💞

I would love to hear what what you guys thought about it and what you want in the next chapters ✏️

Hope you enjoy the story see y'all soon 😄✌️

*WARNING* There are some things that can or may trigger you in anyway, if you want you can continue reading BUT PLEASE don't hurt yourself or body because you are to beautiful for that.


Chapter 1.


Another day in this god forsaken hell hole. The only thing I love about this place is my love. Alex. The most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I don't understand how everyone could hate her and treat her as if she's below an animal. It breaks my heart and I feel it. It's as if every time I think of that beautiful angel being tortured I feel as if my chest is being squeezed and someone ripped out my heart and taunted me while I watch helplessly as my love dwindles away.

The people in this school are terrible assholes that should shut there mouths and know there place. My smiling face can only hide so much. The pain inside me grows more and more everyday and I could hold it back for so long before I collapse and let the tears stream and flow till I pass out from emotional and physical exhaustion. Everyday is like a war and everyday I almost lose and give in. My terrible past and the nightmares haunts me everyday. Especially the day where I had to fend for myself.


Dad: You worthless cunt!

With that I fell to the ground from the impact of the punch my father gave me.

Chris: Daddy! Please! I love you! Why are you dong this to me!

Dad: You are no son of mine! You belong in the trash with all the other filthy animals!

He began whipping me over and over. Slashing away at my skin. My skin broke apart and subconsciously I felt like I deserved it. I deserved the pain and the impact. I made my father angry with me. He did this because he loves me and wants to teach me a lesson. I deserve this. I deserve this...

My thoughts were broken from my fathers loud and awful words beating their way into my skull.

Dad: You worthless piece of shit! No one will ever love you! You don't deserve love!

Chris: Daddy! Please! What did I do!

Dad: What did you do? What did you do, you say? You were fucking born! You and your existence is a fucking mistake! Get out of my house you worthless pig!

Chris: But daddy! I love you! I want to be in the same house with you! Please!

Dad: I said get out of my house you worthless cunt!

My father walked away into the kitchen and started chucking things into my direction. I lifted my frail bloody damaged body off the floor and lifted one arm leaving the other supporting my weight afraid ill collapse. I reach out my hand in hopes to reason with my father.

My eyes pleading for his help. My mouth dripping blood from his punches inflicted on my face. He picked up a butcher knife and began rampaging toward me. My eyes filled with fear and body shaken I got up and ran out the door. I looked back once as I was running only to see my father chuck the butcher knife seeing it near me. I run faster afraid of it impaling me.

I feel a slash at the back of calf and a wave of pain shot through my body. The butcher knife came into contact with my calf and I could feel the blood seeping out. My leg started getting wobbly and I tripped unable to keep going and I end up sliding across the concrete. I look at my calf and I almost faint from the sight. It's ripped open and I could see the meat and I look past my leg to see my father screaming on the front lawn.

Afraid of more pain inflicted on me I gather all my remaining strength and keep going. I run until I see the famous boarding school and collapse on the ground in front of the gates of the school. I see a pair of legs walking toward me and I look up from the ground to we the dean of the boarding school looking down on me and he speaks to me. I hear nothing and I pass out.

*End of Flashback*

The memory sends shivers down my spin and brings tears to my eyes. I wipe away my tears before anyone can notice them. Teachers applaud me for my excellent work and the girls that flirt with me have no shame. Speaking of which here comes a couple and the one leading them is Angie. The school bitch.

Angie: Why hello Chris.

She twirls her hair and giggles while her entourage stand back afraid of me but continue eyeing me like I'm a piece of meat. I resist the urge to throw up and just smile and reply sweetly.

Chris: Hello Angie.

Angie: How are you today?

Ugh she's sick.

Chris: I'm fine today and how are you?

She replies but I can't hear her. My gaze averts from her and I look past her and her entourage and cast my eyes upon the magnificent angel across the hall. Alex. Angie noticed I stopped listened and her entourage and followed my gaze and her eyes narrowed on Alex. She merely said a few words that sent sent shivers down my spin.

Angie: Girls, let's go. We got some trash to deal with.

With that they all walked swiftly to Alex and started talking to her and it was followed with them pushing her around the corner causing her to slam against the lockers. The sound if her body being inflicted with pain brings tears to my eyes. Even though she was far away for me to hear her I could clearly hear her whimper with pain.

I push myself to run after them and protect her but I'm pulled back by my arms. It was the jocks that head to the girls every beck and call. I looked up helplessly and saw there devilish smirks upon there faces.

Jocks: The history teacher needs you. You have to help him.

With that they push me into the history classroom and I turn to face the history teacher and he turned around in his chair and smiled. His usual warm and kind smile seems to be a smile from the devil himself.

History teacher: Aw Chris, hello. I need you to organize the paperwork for me.

I simply nodded knowing if I talk the tears will spill. I took the papers and turned around and went to the cabinet to organize the papers. When I knew he wasn't looking and listening to me I let the tears flow not caring if they left stains on the papers. I keep my hiccups and sobs low.

I couldn't stop replaying the image of my beloved Alex's body being repeatedly slammed against the lockers and her soft whimpers escaping her lips. Why am I so stupid!? Why am I so cowardly?! I could have just stood up and helped and have finally be with my love! Why does it always have to end like this...?

Hidden Love (A Chris Motionless fanfiction) *On Hold*Where stories live. Discover now