Chapter 2- Hymn

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(Lila's POV)

It's about midnight, but I could not sleep. I've never been able to sleep on boats.

I decided to just give up on sleep. I got out of bed and left the room in search of the piano I saw earlier.

It took about 10 minutes but I found I found were the piano is, but what I didn't know was a little golden eyed boy was fallowing me the whole time.

The room is far away from the rooms, so I don't have to worry about waking anybody up.

I went over to the piano and sat down. Then I stared to sing and play the hymn my mother used to sing to us as children.

There are loved ones in the glory,

Whose dear forms you often miss;

When you close your earthly story,

Will you join them in their bliss?

Will the circle be unbroken

By and by, by and by?

Is a better home awaiting

In the sky, in the sky?

In the joyous days of childhood,

Oft they told of wondrous love,

Pointed to the dying Saviour;

Now they dwell with Him above.

Will the circle be unbroken

By and by, by and by?

Is a better home awaiting

In the sky, in the sky?

You remember songs of heaven

Which you sang with childish voice,

Do you love the hymns they taught you,

Or are songs of earth your choice?

Will the circle be unbroken

By and by, by and by?

Is a better home awaiting

In the sky, in the sky?

You can picture happy gath'rings

'Round the fireside long ago,

And you think of tearful partings,

When they left you here below.

Will the circle be unbroken

By and by, by and by?

Is a better home awaiting

In the sky, in the sky?

One by one their seats were emptied,

One by one they went away;

Now the family is parted,

Will it be complete one day?

Will the circle be un broken

By and by, bye and by?

Is a better home awaiting

In the sky, in the sky?

In the sky, in the sky.

As soon I finished, I heard someone clapping.

I turned around and saw Gold standing by the door.

"How did you find me?"

"I saw you walk out of your room so I fallowed you."

" So you heard the whole thing"

" Yup. You have a vary pretty voice you know."

"No I don't, your just saying that to be nice"

"You do though, but what was that song you sang, I've never heard it befor"

"Oh i-it's a song my mother sang for us when we were kids." I felt a tear roll down my face as I said that.


"Y-yeah me and my siblings"

"So you have siblings, I'm an only child and wished for one, so tell me about them."

"T-th-they" I could feel the tears prick at my eyes, close to flowing out. I did not want Gold to see me like that and I took off back to my room before Gold could stop me, but I heard him call my name and run after me.

I returned back to my room and locked the door, I went back to bed and soon sleep over came me.


Sorry for the short chapter but now you know more about Lila's past.

The song is called Will The Circle Be Unbroken. I don't know who it's by though.

Unto next time bye!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2014 ⏰

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