ch1- the surprising reunion

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A/N- k so welcome to chapter 1! I hope this book turns out good, since I'm putting so much on the line for it! Not including this one, I have 5 other books in progress. Yeah. So, I hope you like this! I'm actually pretty excited about it, so let's see where this goes!

Eijiro POV
"Kat..Wake up.." I whisper, shaking him awake. It's 6 am, time for us to get up unfortunately. I'm surprised I woke up this time. "Fuck off...I don't wanna.." I hear him groan. "Your gonna be late for work, babe, get up!" I say, sitting up in our king sized bed. Nothing. I sigh, stand up, and walk over to the window. I open the curtains, letting in the morning light.
I look over as he groans, trying to pull the covers over his face.
I'm wide awake now, so I jump onto the bed right next to him. "Wake up!" I yell, bouncing around him now. "Fuck I'm up! I'm up!" He says, trying to sit up, pushing me off. I laugh as he sits up and rubs his eyes. "God damn, since when are you the one waking me up?" He asks, his messy hair drooping by his eyes. He brushes it away since he hates when it does that, I think it's cute. I can tell mine is too, but I don't mind.
"Eijiro.." Kat mumbles, looking straight across the room with a tired facial expression. I hum in response. "It's Saturday. Neither if us work.." He mumbles again, looking over to me, kinda pissed. "Pfft! My bad!" I laugh, knowing how much he hates waking up this early on the weekend. "Well, you can go back to sleep if you want." I shrug. "I can't fall asleep now, might as well go make some coffee and deal with it." He sighs, swinging his legs over the side of the bed. I chuckle, standing up again.

Me and Kat have been dating since high school, we were high school sweet hearts. When I first met him, he was this mean, hateful person. He didn't really talk to people, unless it was insults, and he wanted nothing more than to be better than everyone.
It kinda turned me on.
After years of dating and realizing that we really truly do love each other, He proposed to me. That was like three years ago.
We had bought this big beautiful house, still in Japan, and we've lived here since we've been married.
"Do you want yours strong?" He asks as I sit at our island in the middle of the kitchen. "Sure, I'm tired as hell.." I say, putting my head down as he starts making a pot of coffee.
"Babe?" I hear him say as he sits across from me. "Hmmmmm...?" I say, lifting my head up. "So what should we do now?" He asks. "What do you mean?" I ask. "Well I don't know, we've lived here for a while, and it's really empty, and we have a lot of space and..I don't know." He says and shrugs. I think I know what he means, but I'll let him say it.
"And?" I say, trying not to smile, raising an eyebrow.
"Well I think it's time..And like,.. Ugh I think we should have a baby already..!" He says, getting it over with.
I've always wanted kids, but I didn't know if Kat wanted that. It came up once, we were younger though. I jokingly asked I'm if he wanted to have kid and he said no not now stupid and I said I know but like later and he said I don't know, so yeah.
"Aww, you want kids..?" I ask with a smile, putting my hand on his. He blushes. "Shut up, yes or no, dammit?!" He says, rolling his eyes. Welp, there's high school katsuki, comin out to say hello.
I laugh, "of course! I was gonna ask you, actually.." I admit. He looks out the window and smiles, nodding and thinking for a moment. It was a peaceful silence as we listened to the birds songs outside. "So, did you wanna start on that now, or..?" He says. "Like right now?" I laugh. "Well sure, we don't gotta work we're gonna be bored all day so why not?" He shrugs, standing up to take the pot of coffee from the maker.
"I don't know, shouldn't we wait till tonight at least?" I ask as he pulls two mugs from the cabinet. "That's too long!" He whines, "and you know what else is~" He adds with a smirk. I roll my eyes and laugh. "It's too early for that, gross!" I chuckle he sits back down laughing, with two cups of coffee in his hands. He sets one in front of me.
"You know, I wouldn't be surprised if you were already pregnant!" He laughed. "Me either, Kat, me either.." I sigh, picking up my hot cup.
"But do you really wanna have a baby?" I ask, then taking a sip of my coffee. "Well yeah, I think we're ready. Plus it gets boring around here." He replied. "Okay then!" I smile, looking out the window again.

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