ch7- nothing to worry about..yet.

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Hello there again!

Also I was talking with my mom and I remembered that my brother died before I was born. She said that he did die from that sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) that Eijiro is scared of rn.
So ya, I always thought he just stopped breathing in his sleep when he was 2 months, and technically he did, from that SIDS thing.
Oof. Um ya, it was before I was born so I never knew him.
I was my mum's rainbow baby because I was born after he left.

Okie anyways enjoy!😅💕


Third person POV

Eijiro decided to take Kimi to the doctors the following morning.
Since he had off today, he stayed up all night with Kimi to make sure she stayed on her back.

And another thing got him worked up.
While Kat and Kimi was asleep, Eijiro decided to look it up.
And he found nothing can fully prevent SIDS.
It horrified him.

Just the mere thought of his daughter dying in her sleep out of no where was such a scary thing to him.
He found some tips and discovered that they were supposed to keep Kimi in their room with them until she turns 6 months old.

Eijiro felt horrible.
He felt like the worst parent in the world.
The thought of his angel dying because of his stupid mistakes made him sick.
He had a mental breakdown, and cried as he sat on his knees beside Kimi's crib, still being careful not to wake her.

Clearly, he didn't get a wink of sleep, and looked a hot mess in the morning.
Tear stained cheeks, puffy red eyes, and sluggish posture.

Once Kimi had finally woke up, she was as smiley and happy as could be.
Eijiro was glad to see her awake, and picked her up from her crib.
"Morning angel.." The red head sighed as he hugged her to his chest.

Walking out of the infant's room, Eijiro walked down the hall into the kitchen, to find Katsuki up and dressed for work, making coffee.

"Morning, love." He said, then turned around. "Woah, are you okay? You look so tired." Kat said.
"I am.." Eijiro sighed, patting Kimi's back.

"Here, have some coffee, I'll take the baby." Kat said, trading Eijiro the coffee for Kimi.
"Thanks Suki. I was just up all night freaking out.. I'm scared." Eijiro sighed.

"Aw honey, don't be too stressed about this.. I can try to take off work today if you want." Kat offered.
"No, it's okay, really. I'll be fine, hun." Eijiro insisted, sipping the warm coffee his husband gave him.

Kat looked down at Kimi, bouncing her in his arms a bit.
"You're scarin daddy, hun." He said.
She glanced from one of her dads to the other, back and forth, as she lightly gnawed on her fingers.
"And if you get drool on my suit I'm not gonna be happy." Kat added.

Eijiro watched as Kimi removed her fingers from her mouth, wiping them on Kat's suit.
"Aw- seriously girl?? I said not to do that! Little asshole.." Kat laughed.
Eijiro giggled a bit, shaking his head.
"Hell I woulda done the same, Kat." He said.

"Yeah yeah, you both are meanie butts. I gotta get to work if I don't wanna be late, you should call Denki, see what he's doin." Kat looked from his daughter to his husband.
"Yeah, that's a good idea. Thanks hun." Eijiro nodded, taking Kimi from him and holding his coffee in his other hand.

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