Monsters Don't Play Fair

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In a relatively secure spot, given the situation, I got a really good night's sleep. Of all the things I expected in my sleep, a good night was the last thing. By far. I was expecting terrible nightmares again, and after Tartarus came to visit, I expected things to take a turn for the worst. I felt refreshed in the morning, but to be completely honest having a good night put me more on edge than usual. As much as I appreciated the gesture, I knew it meant a bigger test was on its way sooner rather than later. As loud as my mind was screaming at me turn away and run, I knew the only escape was to keep going, so that's where I went. With a quick and painful drink of the River Phlegethon I was off again down the leg of Tartarus following the river towards the heart.

Three hours of walking later, with several more monsters unworthy of any note sent to the void, I finally made it to the crossroads at the waist. Diagonally to my left was the cavern leading down to the other leg that looked the exact same as the one I just walked through, and diagonally to my right was a cavern that was similar like all of Tartarus is similar, but the cavern was way bigger. It was taller, twice as wide, and slowly climbed up in a plump shaped incline. Laying down as a prison for eternity didn't do much to help his beer belly, that's for sure. It's going to be a treacherous journey up, but once I make it up the journey should be easier as I make my way back down. In the center of the cavern was a giant pillar holding the whole place up.

I started to make my way around and towards the huge opening on the right, but I stopped in my tracks when I smelled smoke. I immediately crouched behind the pillar and started working my way around it to see where the smoke was coming from. Once I made my way around I almost yelped out in surprise. I was only able to hold it in out of necessity.

Camped out right in front of me was a horrendous sight. 10 huge tents all set up around a massive fire. This itself was nothing to be alarmed at, but the monsters at the fire were my main concern.

It was the giants.

The same ones Tartarus told me I needed to avoid if he was going to give me further instructions at his palace. There couldn't be a worse group of people to see here at such a crucial point in my journey. There was no way to get around them without one of them seeing me, and there was no option to attack them either.

Now that I think about it, how was I supposed to beat them in the first place? I need a god to kill one, and by the looks of it, I'm not gonna find one here. There might be a way if I slash them into a million pieces, but with all of them together I won't have time to do that. I could get a couple slashes in, but nothing substantial. I'm going to need a way around, and fast. If they decide to walk around this pillar once then I'm good as dead.

It's a shame really. The giants seemed to be really enjoying themselves and I bet if we had been on the same side I could have been good friends with them. In the war it was obvious they were fierce warriors, and around the campfire there were loud cheers and yelling as it was clear they had a strong bond over a millennium as family.

Forget that though. I can't think about it like that. They want to rule the world and leave it in anarchy. I have to get around and away from them as soon as possible. I have no idea what I'm going to do, but I can figure that out in a bit. Might as well sit tight, there will be an opening eventually and I need to be ready to take it.

Two hours of talking and sweet smells from the camp later, it began to calm down and the giants began to make their way to bed. I knew this was my chance. Once they were all sleeping, I knew it was almost time to make my move. This might be easier than I thought. If I'm able to slip by and put some distance between us then I'll be home free. I solve two problems with one. Avoid the giants and get them so far behind me I never see them again.

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