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Requested by @RabidShooter
After a long day of work, Gavin makes things up to you by inviting you to a romantic dance in the middle of your kitchen.

The door silently closed, your and Gavin's shared apartment flooded with nothing but silence.

You puffed air into your cheeks, making your way into the kitchen, shucking off your coat and leaving it on the back of a chair before leaning against the counter and sighing.

You hadn't talked to Gavin properly in days, mainly because your working schedules didn't line up in any shape or form. He'd get home early in the morning, by the time you were supposed to leave, and there didn't happen much between the two of you other than an exchange of 'Good morning's and a quick peck on the lips.

You clenched your hands around the counter, then slowly relaxed them. You had at least a few more hours before your boyfriend would get home.

Barely able to still stand from tiredness, you quickly found yourself some teabags and started heating up some water.

A weary sigh slipped past your lips as you made your way over to a kitchen chair and plopped down on it. You closed your eyes and wrapped your arms around yourself.

Silence, along with the hushed hissing of your stove. Then, keys, hitting against the front door as it unlocked with a click.

"(Y/n)?" That damned voice you had missed hearing oh-so-much asked, equally tired as you were.

"Gav?" You stood up languidly and made you way into the living room, smiling upon encountering your boyfriend. "Hey."

"Hey babe." He smiled wearily and pulled you into a hug, placing a kiss on your hairline.

He smelled of coffee, leather, a hint of gunpowder, mixed with his natural scent and cologne. So inviting. You nuzzled your face into his neck and took it all in. All of him, and the feeling of his arms around you. God, you had missed this.

"Sorry." He began and ran his hands up and down your back.

"For what?"

"Not being there. Work's been a fucking nightmare this week."

"It's fine. Not your fault." You smiled against the juncture of his neck, then placed a soft kiss on it before sliding out of his hug. "I was making tea, if you want some?"

"Sounds good." Gavin grinned goofily and let you guide him into the kitchen as soon as he had taken off his shoes and jacket.

He plopped down on one of the kitchen chairs and pulled up a second one for you before turning on the small radio on the counter.

"What kind?" The detective asked.

"I was thinking about chamomile, maybe? Or peppermint, since it's your favorite?"

"Either is fine. It's just leaf water."

You scoffed at his words and took out one bag of each kind and offered them to Gavin, who ended up going for peppermint regardless.

"Got anything else in mind for tonight?" He asked with a suggestive smile.

"No, Gavin." You shook your head and chuckled. "I just wanna sleep. Actually sleep."

"Alright." He rose to his feet and approached you from behind, wrapping his arms around your waist and resting his chin on your shoulder, leaning against you. "How much longer until the water boils?"

You placed your hands on the counter in a hopeless attempt to counterbalance Gavin. "A few minutes."

"Gives us just enough time." He whispered against your neck.

"Gav, I told you, not t-"

"Shut up, I'm not fucking you, I'm dancing with you. Or at least trying to." He explained, then slowly spun you around, holding you by the hips gently.

"Why?" You snorted in amusement.

"Because I feel like it. And because the song playing on the radio is good." Gavin explained hastily, reaching to place your hands on his shoulders, pulling you in close. "So dance with me? Please?"

"Could've just asked, you doofus." You snickered and opted to instead wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into a half-hearted, loose embrace while following his languid movements, the both of you stumbling over the kitchen floor in a clumsy waltz.

You started listening to the song that played quietly, yet failed to identify it. The only thing you could tell was hat it was themed around feelings of homeliness and safety.


A peaceful smile found its way on your features as you moved even closer to Gavin, chest against chest, his forehead rested against yours. Fuck, those eyes. Those scars, those little moles and freckles, everything about this man, damnit. Was it even legal to be this stunning?

"I missed this." He admitted. "Fuck, I missed you."

"Missed you too, Gav." You grinned like an idiot and brushed your hands up his nape before burying them into his hair, threading the soft locks between your fingers. "I love you."

Gavin stopped moving, his grip around tightening in the slightest. You were so close, you could literally feel his heartbeat.

"Shit, say that again."

You were more than happy to oblige.

"I love you, Gavin Reed." You slid your hands back down to his back, playing with his hair as you did.

"That's the best thing I've heard in my life." He grinned against your neck wolfishly. "Aside from you moaning out my name, of course."

You wanted to laugh at his behavior, however were stopped by his lips crashing against yours with unmatched passion.

You reciprocated, unable to resist to the fluttering in your stomach, then pulled away with a shaky breath against his mouth.

"What-" he began, only for you to silence him with a peck, and then to add with a cheeky smirk.

"Water's boiling, Gav."

He chuckled sheepishly, watching you fill up two cups with the boiling hot water, then handing one to him.

"Thank you." Gavin took it from you, careful not to spill anything, and leaned against the kitchen counter. He brought it up to his lips, blowing away the steam before taking a sip.

"You're welcome." You smiled and settled down beside him, just close enough so that your shoulders would bump against each-other occasionally.

"I've been thinking." He spoke up after a few seconds of silence, setting down the cup of the on the windowsill.

"About what?"

"About how I want this to last."

"Who said I'm breaking up with you?"

"Not what I meant." He shook his head and let his arms rest by his sides, drumming his fingers against the side of his left thigh, right above the pocket of his jeans. "I was wondering if you...shit, how— I was wondering if you'd like to marry me."

"Of course, Gav." You snickered, watching the tension in his shoulders fade. "Whenever you want to."

"Good." The drumming of his fingers against his leg increased in rhythm. "Because I was thinking— Thinking that we could...do that right now?"

You could only furrow your brows in confusion. Was this a proposal, or was he just rambling?

"What's that supposed to mean?"

You could see him visibly swallow, slither a hand inside his pocket, pulling out a small, velvety box, then get down on one knee.

Shit, he was being serious?!

"It means I wanna marry you." He spoke, voice heavy with anxiety. "Which...which leads me to the question—"

"Yes, Gavin!" You grinned and dropped down to your knees to be able to hug him, wrapping your arms around him. "Of course I do!"

"I didn't even ask anything!" He retorted, voice slightly strangled from your embrace. He relaxed, pressing a kiss to your neck. "But I'm glad to know that."

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