chapter two

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As I sat down my chair quietly. Looking at the food that was given to me, bacon and toast, but it wasn't that appetizing.

"How was your sleep dear?" Ms. Mary ask as she placed a steaming mug of hot chocolate.

"It was okay" I said while picking up my fork.

"Well you look a bit pale" she said and looked at me closer. "Are you sure that your okay?"

"Affirmative" I smiled as she chuckled at my response.

As she walked away, Jane was instantly beside me.

"Gowd mworning Aubrey" she said as she ate her cereal.
I chuckled at her cuteness.
"Your not suppose to talk while your mouth is full jane" I said, playfully scolding her but I don't think she heared me since she was to preoccupied eating.

Seeing Jane today made my day a little better.
I had a peculiar dream last night but it feels so real to be a dream. In my dream someone was chasing me and I was dying.

What worries me about is that, since this morning it felt like someone was watching me, or I'm just a bit paranoid because of the dream.

After were all done eating, we started to do our chores around the house. I was assigned to wash all the dishes.

"Aubrey,are you free?" Ms. Mary called out.

"I'm just finishing washing the dishes"
I replied while wiping my hands with a towel.

"Can you go to the market dear?" Ms. Mary asked while handing out a piece of paper "That's the list that you need to buy, were running low of stuffs today, is it okay with you?"

"Yes of course"

With a small smile on my lips, I grab my coat and went outside, the cold air greeted me.
I went to the market, but it feels like someone is following, so I look behind me but no one looks suspicious, people were busy and minding their own business.

Looking at the list, I only need to buy bread, as I was passing a old run down building, a cold gush of wind blew making me shiver.

The building looked like it was on the point of collapsing. Windows were broken and graffiti on the walls, but what caught my eye is the shop at the far end...

An Antique shop.

Its sign was now worn and broken giving off creepy vibes.

But a strange thing happened, as if my feet has its own mind,leading me into entering the said shop.
As I slowly opened the knob my heart beats fast inside my chest.

The smell of old stuff greeted me (if you know what i mean).
Different kinds if antique figurines greeted me.
From a old dresser to a weird looking animal.

As I walked deeper into the shop, I can't help but roam my eyes all over the place.
Strangely I find all the things fascinating and unique.

"How can I help you?" a raspy voice said behind me.

Still in shock, I gave her a small smile.
"Nothing ma'am, just passing by and decided to look around"

"It's been a long time since a person decided to stop by my dear" the old lady said while giving a sweet smile.

"How so?"

"I guess rumours spread around that I'm a witch and this place is hunted."

"Ohhh, but I think this place is fascinating otherwise"

"You're different from others dear" she looked at me, the look that seems like she's searching for something. "Come dear, I want to show you something"

I know I just meet her and shouldn't be trusting her, but something is telling that I should. Curiosity filled me as she starts to walk further inside the store.

Rows and rows of antique stuffs filled each cabinet. From outside it wouldn't seem like the place would fit a lot of things.

We stopped infront of a wooden door, it seemed old worn out.

"Uhmm, excuse me ma'am but may I know your name?"

Being with her this whole time, I just realised that I haven't asked her name yet. How stupid of me.

"Well you know dear, I've been called many names before but you can call me Lola" she said while smiling at me.

Opening the door we walk in inside. The room as dark the only light illuminating inside was from the window at the far end of the room.
Piles of boxes was stored at the corner, what seems like furnitures were covered in white fabric, and cobwebs decorated the room.

Lola began searching for something. She went through boxes and cabinets, while me on the other hand was just standing beside the door.
After a long time she smiled and walk towards me, while holding something.
Observing it further she was holding a wooden box.

"Here I want you to take this" she said while handing me the wooden box.

"Are you sure? I mean is it alright?" I feel unsure of what to do, and I shouldn't be accepting things from strangers.

"I'm sure dear, I know your different from others, I can see that your heart is pure and when the right time comes you might just save everyone." while saying all this she was smiling brightly and her eyes have that twinkle.

What she gave me chills, but I decided to ignore it she might be talking rubbish due to old age but we don't know.

Accepting the box I thank her, she walked with me outside the store. But before I left  she said "beware dear trial will test you" but I decided to ignore it.


"Your late dear" Mary greeted me as I entered the shelter.

"I'm sorry Mary but the line at the bake shop was long" I reasoned out.

"Well it's okay dear, it only makes sense, come let's get those things to the kitchen." she said as she mentioned me to follow her.

Inside we placed the items to its designated cupboard. And in addition I helped Mary make dinner pasta and garlic bread.
Setting the table and calling the other kids, we all ate in silence.

"Hello Audrey" Jane greeted me. "How was your day? You know I played with my dollies, I wish you were there tho" she said while pouting.

"Well, my daw was interesting Jane, and you know in fact I wanted to play dollies with you" I said while brushing her hair.

"Really?!" she exclaimed, her blue doe eyes widened.

"Really" I said while matching her enthusiasm. "Maybe we should play tomorrow then, but are you sure it would be okay with Katie?" I ask referring to her doll.

"I'm sure Katie wouldn't mind, she would love to play with you too." she said and hugged me. " thank you Aubrey"

"Well there's nothing for you to thank me kiddo" I said as I returned her embrace. It clenches my heart knowing that no one would want to play with her and it makes me happy that she's happy.

Later that night, everyone has returned to their chambers. Aubrey took the wooden box under her bed it was where she hid it.

She was hesitant to open the box but at the same time curious. Making up her mind she opens the box. Slowly the lid began to lift as her heart beats faster in her chest, the excitement was overwhelming.

"Aubrey? Are you still awake?" a knock on the door startled me, making me hide the wooden box abruptly.

With shaky hand I composed myself and opened the door.
But there was no one outside.
Strange because I just heard someone called for me. Shutting the door I leaned against it. Weird things started to happen since I moved here. Or maybe I'm just paranoid and over thinking stuff.

Going to bed I started to drift to sleep and I realised something, I haven't opened the box yet.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2019 ⏰

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