He's angry

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You stood in the kitchen making yourself lunch as the front door is literally kicked open, causing you to jump and look at Marshall storming into the house with literal fire out of his blue eyes as the door smashed into the wall beside the doorframe

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You stood in the kitchen making yourself lunch as the front door is literally kicked open, causing you to jump and look at Marshall storming into the house with literal fire out of his blue eyes as the door smashed into the wall beside the doorframe.

"Marshall!" You burst out with big eyes, he doesn't answer you or acknowledge your presence at all as he instantly goes to the staircase and goes down in the basement, smashing the door shut to his office. You just stand there with a confused look on your face, the hell just happened? 

You turn the stove off and wash your hands quickly before running down the stairs and knocking on the door, before feeling if it was locked, seeing that it was. 

"Marshall! Babe, c'mon! Open the door!" You say with a worried frown on your face and knock on the door again. "Marshall! Open the door!" You knock harder now. "Marsh--" The door swings open fast and he meets your gaze with his raging eyes.

"WHAT!" He snaps at you, you jump before raising your brows, biting down on your lip to shut up.

"What's going on, why are you so--" You start, but he was quickly to interrupt you mid sentence.

"NOT YOUR FUCKING PROBLEM IS IT!?" You look at him for a while, then shove his chest so he takes a few surprised steps back with a frown. 

"Listen here, Mathers. You may be fucking pissed for whatever reason, but don't you DARE take that shit out on me!" You growl at him serious, he just looks at you with a frown. "Understood?" 

He nods slowly and you cross your arms over your chest. 

"I don't wanna talk about it." He says and goes to his chair and sits down, leaning back with his legs wide as he strokes his beard with his right hand thoughtfully. You walk over and sit on his desk in front of him, putting your feet on either of his knees while looking in his eyes. 

He didn't meet your gaze at first, he glanced between your legs at the crotch of your jeans and then up to your boobs and then FINALLY meets your gaze. 

"Perv." You state with a serious look on your face, making him let out a little chuckle before sighing and leaning his head back and looking at you.

"They slaughtering Revival." He states, you nod. 

"I've noticed." You say back, that's what he's so upset about? Really? Thought he didn't care about it? Thought he was Mr. Don't-Give-A-Fuck? "I thought you didn't care." You look at him, he looks back at you and shrugs.

"A lot of people do. But I fucking put my soul into that album, I spent 3 years producing that shit, making it good, taking time to come up with clever rhymes and by the time I said 'Hey I got an album coming out' everyone fucking made their opinion of it! Without even fucking hearing it, they said it was trash!" He grunts annoyed. "Hudda-da-da-hudda-dudu-da." He mumbles. "That would have fucking sold, maybe I should do that huh! THey're so fucking.... AGH!" He bangs his fist into the table as you tilt your head. 

"They're so fucking, what?" You smirk a little, getting an idea in your head. 

"They're fucking retarded, but pretend to be the smartest! It went over their fucking..." He stops with a frown and meets your gaze again, you nod. 

"Make a surprise song with no--"

"Album." He states with his eyes widening.

"Uh, or th--"

"You're a fucking genius!" He kisses your lips and gets up fast, the fast pace of him getting up made you fall forwards as your feet had nothing underneath them and your head smashes against his chest. He looks down at you with a chuckle as you slowly get up properly and cleanse your throat. "I'm gonna make a surprise-album, no fucking warning, no pr, no tweet, NOTHING." He grins and grabs his jacket and pulls it on again. "Bye!" He says as he opens the door and runs upstairs and through the door and smash it shut behind him, leaving you alone down in his studio with a frown on your face. 

"...bye?" You frown confused and leave his office at that, another few months without a boyfriend then... You think to yourself as you walk back upstairs to the kitchen to finish what you started.



Hi! I have NO ideas after this one and YES I updated 3 chapters at once :D I was bored, I kinda regret it now. But c'mon, gimme ideas you guys! :D

And also: What you think of the new cover?

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