Chapter 22: Gift

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May 3


I pull the guitar case out from under the couch and stare at it. It arrived yesterday while Ana and I were out at the river. She noticed the small crate when we got back and was curious about the contents. I didn't quite have the courage yet to tell her that I'd bought her a gift. It seemed fine when I ordered it, but I've had some time to think about it since then. Now I'm afraid it's too presumptuous of me.Is it appropriate to buy her gifts?Will she misconstrue this as a sign that I'm into her? Will she interpret this as me making a move? I shove it back under the couch. This was a terrible idea.

When Ana emerges from the bedroom to make breakfast, I quickly pick up the Harry Potter book I'm currently reading. After a few minutes, she joins me on the couch with a bowl of cereal.

"Have you ever tried growing anything here?" Ana asks.

I look up, confused. "What?"

"You know, like fruit or vegetables or something. I read somewhere that Alaskan produce can grow really huge because of all the sunlight during the summer."

I consider this. "Interesting. I don't really know much about growing plants, so I've never planted anything. The summer's much shorter up here though, so I'm not sure how you'd be able to grow anything in such a short season."

Ana tilts her head, thinking. "You've got a point there. Maybe greenhouses?"

"Would you like to try planting a garden this spring?" I ask. "It's probably going to be warm enough soon that the temperatures won't drop below freezing anymore."

"Why not?" Ana says, smiling. "I'd need some books on gardening though."

"Make a list of whatever you think you'll need," I tell her.

"Thanks," she says, before jumping up and grabbing a pen and paper.

Her willingness to accept these items makes me reconsider my fears about giving her the guitar. I decide to bite the bullet and just give it to her. I reach down under the couch and pull the case out again, placing it on the couch.

"Come here," I tell her.

She looks up from her writing. "What is it?"

"Come see."

She squints at me, but approaches. Her eyes widen when she sees the case. Her mouth opens and she emits a small gasp. The excitement on her face chases away any remaining fear.

"You got me a guitar?"

I can't suppress my pleased grin. "Yeah," I say.

Ana stares at the case.

"Aren't you going to open it?" I ask.

Silently, she steps forward, flips up the latches, and opens the case. I hear another small gasp from her. She reaches out and runs her fingers along the neck of the instrument.

"It's beautiful," she breathes.

"I don't have any sheet music for it. If there's anything you want, let me know and I'll get it for you."

Ana picks up the guitar and balances it on her knee, then strums her fingers across the strings. Her face breaks out into a huge smile at the sound. She looks up into my eyes, hers shining.

"Thank you so much," she says quietly.

"You're welcome," I say, a little awkwardly. It seems that this gift means more to her than I expected.

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