Chapter 28: Celebration

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July 15


"What do you mean, today's your birthday?"

Ana's hands are on her hips in a display of annoyance.

I blink twice and cock my head slightly to the side.

"I mean, exactly twenty-seven years ago, I was born," I say, not sure what she's getting at.

"Ryan," she says in exasperation, her voice taking on a sing-song quality with a bit of a whine. "Why didn't you tell me sooner?" She reaches out and pushes my left shoulder gently in a playful gesture.

For the briefest moment, she reminds me so much of Saph that I tense. Saph used to do that, to whine and say "Ryyyaaaan" any time she wasn't getting what she wanted.

"I could have made you a birthday cake," she says, sounding regretful. "A chocolate one. With this amazing icing my mom used to make that was borderline fudge. Fudge, Ryan! Fudge!"

Her words suggest annoyance, but her demeanor says otherwise. Her face is split into a wide smile, her eyes bright and dancing with mirth. She's teasing me again. I smile sheepishly, like an idiot. I look down at the kitchen table to avoid her gaze.

The difference between Ana's and Saph's whiny tones strikes me suddenly. Saph used it to get what she wanted. Ana's using it because she wanted to do something nice for me. Saph was motivated by selfishness and Ana is motivated by... what?

"Casper and I could have planned a surprise birthday party for you. You know how Casper loves planning parties." She gestures to the puppy.

Casper wags his tail, recognizing his name.

"See, he agrees with me."

"You could still make a cake, if you want to," I tell her.

"But now it's not a surprise anymore. And besides, I didn't get you anything." She looks disappointed.

"Ana, I really don't care."

"That's the problem!" Her exasperation is back. She leans closer, resting one hand on the back of my chair and the other on the table in front of me. She's looking me right in the eyes and for some reason that still scares the hell out of me.

"You've lived up here for years and don't celebrate holidays or your birthday or anything. You probably haven't had a birthday party in forever. No one should have to spend their birthday alone. I should know. I turned 21 two weeks after I lost my family. It sucked."

She pauses to catch her breath and blink away the tears that sprang into her eyes.

"I'm so sorry, Ana," I say quietly, placing a hand on hers.

She takes a deep, calming breath and I pull my hand away from her, realizing that I'd instinctively reached out with my right hand.

Ana stands straight again, rubs at her eyes quickly, and jams her hands in her pockets. "Today's not about that. Today is about celebrating being alive. How long has it been since you last celebrated your birthday? How old were you the last time you had a party?"

I think for a moment. I can remember lots of stupid parties my family held for my birthday growing up, where I was the guest of honor in name only. As a kid, I used to leave my parties early. The years while I was deployed were a completely different story. The last birthday I had was in Afghanistan. "It was... I was 21, actually. Jeremy wanted to make fun of me for being the youngest in our squad. Tormented me all day, the little snot."

"In that case, I have to make up for five years of missed birthdays. And all I have so far is an idea for the cake." She scowls as she thinks.

I have to suppress a grin. Her little frown is adorable. I tear my gaze away from her and give myself a mental kick.Stop thinking that way. You are FRIENDS.

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