Chapter 3

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'Why you got to be so rude

Don't you know I'm human too

Why you gotta be so ru-'

My alarm went off, blasting in my ear. Owwww my ears! I grab my phone turning off the alarm and see its 7:20am just enough time to have a shower. I get up from bed and walk to the rbathroom.

Hmm what should I wear?? Oh I got it! I have a quick shower and walk in to my closet and get my clothes for today.
(clothes up top)
I put my clothes on and open my draw grab my silver loop earrings and a hair tie. Walking to the mirror I put my hair into a messy bun and put on my earrings and go downstairs to have breakfast.

"Morning everyone" I said to everyone as I walk in the kitchen

"Morning honey, you look nice." Mum giving me a plate of breakfast and not wasting time I dig in.

"Thanks mum" I said with a full mouth. "Yeah Gabby, you look pwetty" Adrian said with a smile making his dimples pop out. "Awww thanks Adrian" I said cooing at him.

"Are you guys gonna be alright, or do you want me to drop off Adrian?" Dad asked me looking concerned.

"Honey, she will be fine" Mum said before I could reply. "And I think your late as well" she said trying not to laugh.

"No I'm no-" Dad said and stopped, looking at his watch. We all look at him and see him widen his eyes, making us laugh.

"Holy shi-, Cow I meant cow" Dad rephrased when he saw mum's face. "I'm late! Bye kids, bye Marie!" Getting up kissing mum on the way and ran towards the door. We all started laughing when he nearly tripped.

"Adrian you ready to go" I said after our little laughing session finishing up my breakfast and put my plate in the sink.

"Yeah I'm ready" Adrian getting his bag waiting for me.

"Mum were off now" I said kissing her check grab Adrian's hand and walk towards the door.

"Okay kids, have a good day!" Mum yelled before we closed the door.

"Okay lets put you in!" I told him enthusiastically and put him in the car. I walk to my side of the car and hop in.

"You ready for your first day?" I asked turning out of Cherry street

"Yeah, I'm happy to go school" Adrian said looking outside with a small smile

Huh, I wonder what changed his mind. Well never mind, at least he wants to go school.

"Okay when we get there do you want me to come in with you or will you be alright?" I asked worried if he would be okay to go by himself cause ya know I'm very protective over him.

"No it's okay you can go, your friends are waiting for you sis. I'll let you go" Adrian said looking at me with a small smile.

Awwwwww, how cute is my little brother?!

"You sure buddy? I don't mind, I coul-"

"It's okay Gabby you can go, I'll be alright I promise!" Adrian said nodding to me. "Okay if you say so" I said and after that we drove in complete silence.

We arrive in front of Adrian's school and I park the car outside the entrance. I turn to look at him "We're here buddy you sure you don't want me to come?" I said looking at him in the eye.

"I'm sure Gabby, you go" Adrian said, taking off his seat belt giving me a kiss on the cheek. "I promise I'll be a good boy! Love you Gabby" Adrian said smiling at me.

I just look at him defeated, "Okay, hurry up then your gonna be late. Have fun! Love you Adrian!" I told him, yelling when he jumped out of the car and made his way to the door.

He just looked at me and waved, and continued to the door. When I see he made it to the door safely, I make my way to school.


"Hi how may I help you today?" the old lady said smiling on the other side of the desk.

"Hi my name is Gabriela Johnson and I'm new here" I said giving her a smile back at her. I just love old people I mean like how could you be mean to a person who has been on Earth longer then you!

"Oh well just let me print off your timetable and give you your lock and locker number" she said typing on her computer.

"Okay" I replied, looking around the office that has as cozy vibe.

"Here's your timetable, lock and locker. Did you need any help?"

"Oh umm" I said and couldn't find any words and just smile sheepishly at her. Making her laugh at my expression.

"It's okay I'll ask my niece to come and help you help" she said and turned towards her phone and starting tapping on her phone. "she should be here in five seconds". She said looking back at me.

"Oka-" I was cut off by a loud voice

"Hey Aunty" I heard behind me. I turn around to see a girl with long brown wavy hair. With warm brown eyes. I have to say she has a good taste in style. She wore a grey jumper inside her denim jacket and black denim jeans. I think I just found a friend.

"Oh hey honey is it alright if you could show this young lady where her classes and locker is." The office lady said nodding towards me. I see the girl nod and looks at me with a smile on her face.

"Oh yeah sure, cmon I'll show you around" She said not before waving to her aunty and went down the hallways.

"Thank you" I said and wave to her, making her wave back.
I run towards her and follow behind her. I look left and right to see students everywhere.

"My name is Sierra Wilson and I'm 18! What's your name?" She said asked.

"Well my name is Gabriela Johnson but you can just call me Gabby for short" I said trying to keep up with her. Like damn why is she walking so fast.

"Hey Gabby, can I see your timetable?" Sierra asked me and stopped and turned to me causing me to stop.

"Oh, sure. Here you go" I hand her my timetable and watch her eyes brighten up when she scans the paper.

"Yay! Your in one of my classes! Your in my second class, English" She said with enthusiasm.

"Well at least I know someone in my class" I smiled at her making her smile back and nod.

"Okay so you first period you have Mr Scott, and don't worry he's a good and laid back teacher! So I'll take you to your first period class and then I'll come around to your class and pick you up then we'll both go to second period. How does that sound?" She said taking a deep breath and looked at me with a small smile.

"Sure, thanks. Uh is it alright if you can take me to my locker please?" I said wanted to put my backpack down.

"Oh yeah of course just follow me. So I think on your timetable it said your locker number was 326 which is near mine" she said and turned left where all the lockers are.

Wow there was a lot of people here at their lockers. Wow it's gonna packed when everyone is out of class! I look at Sierra to see her looking at her phone and gasp.

"So sorry but I have to go now, but your locker is just down there and when your finished your class is just on your right, okay?" She said in hurry and looked at me to see if I got what she said.

"Okay thank you Sierra" I said and start walking to my locker.

"Anytime! Anyways see ya at second period!" I heard her behind me.

Well here we go I thought and make my way to my locker.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2018 ⏰

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