Chapter 6: The beginnig of the end

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5 Years had gone by. 7 rebellions we had started. 7 rebellions they had stopped. The  8th we prepared.

And this would be the final one. For us or for them.

The land was scarred. The battlefields marked by the dead and their weapons.

We have lost hundreds of men, lost countless battles and the wars we tried to start.

But the enemy didn't win as well. Their casualties were high, their Castles, either destroyed or conquered.

And neither of us were about to give up. Every soldier, on both sides had someone to avenge, every soldier wanted blood and every one of them wanted their homeland back. United under one flag.

But which flag would rise and which would burn was the question everyone asked and we had to answer. Now.

Mercy and I stood side by side, hands intervened. We were in the cathedral were I once lit the flame that is our rebellion, declared war after war and were our soldiers make their oaths to us and our land. To protect, to fight, to free. With iron blood and iron will.

It was late at night and we looked at the stars, enjoying this peaceful silence for as long as it shall last.

Everyone was on edge even us, even me. Even though I'd give my life any second for my land and my people, death was always something that was unsettling to me, maybe even a fear. I believe in our Gods but what really happens after death, no one knows.

In battle, this is never a worry of mine, but in times like these, in the silence before the next battle, then when I have time to properly think about such things, it's always something that comes to mind, just like now.

And Mercy noticed this, she always does.

She put a hand up to my shoulder ,turned me towards her and put her arms around my neck, getting closer to me.

„Our soldiers are ready. They thirst for revenge and they will give everything to get it. They are full of rage and you will show them how to use it against our foe. Our enemy will see no mercy in us."

„In sanguine ferrum..." (With iron blood...)

„ ferrum erit." (and iron will.)

„Semper simul." (Always together.)


I'm so sorry it took this god...darn... long to write this

I haven't played For honor in a very long time and just didn't have the inspiration, time or motivation to write something.

I hope you still like it (even though it's very short). But better than nothing, right?
._ .
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