Entry 6

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Dear You,

It's nice to reminisce all the weird things you did in the past your first times and unforgettable adventures.It bring the feels of being alive and young.How you make crazy things in public places with your weirdo friends where you are laughing carefree in the mall,scary stories that will frighten you when having a night class in the fourth floor,when strangers laugh with you and your friends randomly because of the weird acts of you and your friends,overnight for projects that end up to sleepovers and kdrama marathon or movie marathon,how your friend being cheated by his boyfriend and you all did was talking in his back and curse him to death because he broke the heart of your friend,how your friends cheer you up when you compete and support in your passion,how you and your frirnds secretly idolize an amateur writer in your school publication,how you share in one biscuit and a one bottled water with your five friends,how both of you cry when one left,both of you cry when someone saw his father and didn't even recognize her,both of you support your thesis process even you're in the different group,went to an unknown places and talk to strangers,how you screen and examine the suitors that will take care of them,how your family open arms welcome them and make them feel also part of it,how both of you achieve your goals in different timeline but never left you behind.It makes you miss this feelings.The overnight of your whole section to make a costume and sing loudly at the street like crazy beggars because of the tin can that you used as a drums and the weird chanting that makes the night alive because of your laughs and crazy thoughts.Not all memories are happy with your friends,there are times you fight and feel angry but as soon as they know their wrong,sorry is enough or you can feel their apology even they didn't say,you just know.This feelings makes you miss those weird creatures that make you alive and carefree for a while while the universe is throwing a stress rocks in your life.


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