The Same thing has happen just like last time for today too , I will wake up all alone not Martin being there for me when I will being sick yet again what is depressing me even more that he isn help me to get better at all
it make me feel all type of emotion by his actions and way right now
I am start to thinking or wonder why I do love him for , I am start to feeling like I am out of love with him altogether
MOM have give us a mission now I have meet up with Java to go with , we have to wait for both Diane and Martin to come here now what they are both late too much for today what is start to made me wonder why is that all the time
Java have been help me with this sick thing and help me get up with him to get ready for the mission
They have come now I am so mad with Martin right now what I am going to avoid him on this mission today don want to when I was being sick he have gone somewhere else that is make me feel like he don love me enough to notice that I haven't been well at all since so he say he love only me
- well finally you two have turn up then - I have said with a piss off look on my face to show that I am that with them right now
- huh - they have both said in the same time like they are confused to why I said that like that in a mood too
They have look at my back as I have turn around on them since I don want to even looked at them for a second long now , they have to look over to Java for some answers to why I have being weird with them for
Java have only give them a look too because they didn help me lately with this sick at all and he did too
Billy have turn up now infront of our faces like normally and scared some of us but I stay quiet and didn got scared from him at all
- hey guys what ups - he have said without look too much with that tension in the air
- hey Billy - we are all have said that to him
I am still have this look on me , Martin did try to come at me for a hug, but I can smell that same perfume on him again what isn him or mine at all
so I have push him right away from me and Billy has notice that from me and shocked as Martin with me doing this to him
I didn want him near by me at all , I want to be far away from him before I will do something that I will do to him what I will later regret doing so or saying something hurtful to him
- what is up with Y/n Martin - he have to ask Martin about me infront of me behind of my back
- I am fine , he don now what is wrong with me at all . he is too gone to notice that for me billy - I have tell him the news of him , why I am in the great old mood with him before Martin have a turn to tell him what he think is the matter with me
- oh right - Bily is saying only that to me and let it be like that
Martin and Diana have this look on their face over how I am acting right now with them , It was emotional in me like a mood swing back and forward with them at the moment so I let it out
They have all shut up now and we have gone to MOM office is at now to see what is the mission is all about this time again
Marvin is here too for some reason Martin worst nightmare he is but Diane love him then whatever he does to us , Marvin have a some crush on me and her too what make Martin hate him even more then ever for have this crush over me for a while until I have got this job here with them all
- hello Marvin what are you doing here for - I have ask him a question to why he is here for in more nicely tone toward him as He has give me a smile as I have done the same back to him
- on mission with you guys today - he have tell me why he is here for that
- oh right what you now what this mission all about then Marvin - Martin have said all being hot head with him right now while we are wait for the boss
- I don now Martin if I now that I would have you by now - he have copy what he is doing to him
I have enough of them doing that over and over again right now it is make me head hurt again from all of the mowing they are doing so
- stop it now you two -I have tell them off like children there are being
Monster in love 😍
Misterio / SuspensoMartin is so much of a firt to other girls back in high school days but when he has his true love being find out who is that is , he can let that go and our future together that easily He does work for center what does mystery with monsters hunter...