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[T H E   U N W A N T E D   M E S S]

[T H E   U N W A N T E D   M E S S]

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Dhruv stomped out of the cafe and straight went to his car. Opening the door he sat on the drive's seat and closed the door. He sat there for a moment completely dazed at the news that had just been thrown at him.

He felt as if he had been punched in the stomach. His parents had managed to pick out the one and only person that he had vowed to himself to avoid at all costs.

Kavya Sharma. He needed a drink.

But He didn't want to go back home. Because he knew as soon as he would step into the house his parents would shoot thousands of questions altogether. After composing himself he drove off to Kapoor Villa.

Vivan Kapoor. His best friend.

Dhruv went straight to Vivan's bedroom when he reached his house. He found Vivan lying on his stomach in his bed as he played FIFA on PlayStation.

"Hey," Vivan said taking a quick glance at his best friend as he entered his bedroom. But Dhruv ignored him and went towards the mini fridge Vivan had on the corner of his room. He took out a beer from there and drop himself on the couch.

"What happened?" Vivan asked not taking his eyes off from the TV screen.

Dhruv groaned loudly. "Apparently mom dad is looking for a girl for me and this time they are freaking serious." He gave a sarcastic fake smile.

"Ayeeee Arrange marriage?" Vivan turned his head towards with Dhruv with a cheesy grin.

"Vivan I don't know what to do man...." Dhruv whined and placed his head between his hand.

"Is the girl hot?" Vivan turned off the game. His voice was teasing. He sat properly on the bed and turned towards his friend.

"It's Kavya Sharma," Dhruv mumbled. It felt weird to say her name.

"Kavya?" Vivan repeated with raised his eyebrows. Clearly, he had no idea about whom Dhruv was talking.

"Kavya Sharma from...school. Remember her?" Dhruv rolled his eyes and shook his head to Vivan.

"Kavya..." Vivan said with wide eyes he looked like he was about to burst into laughter. "Okay, now that interesting." He grinned.

"Did you guys met and why didn't even you tell me this before?" Vivan asked clearly amused by the whole incident.

Dhruv told him what happened in their morning or more like in the noon. Then he told him about their date and how he found out it was her. And how he literally ran away from there.

"Wow." Was all Vivan could think to say after Dhruv had finished his tale.

"Is that all you're gonna say? Wow? I need your help Vivan. My parents are for sure going to make me marry her." Dhruv brought his hand up to his face and squeezed the bridge of his nose trying to release some of the pressure that was building up behind his eyes.

"How in the hell did they find her? The one person I truly wanted to live without is coming back into it."

"Dhruv, stop being melodramatic," Vivan said rolling his eyes at Dhruv's world. "I really believe that this is a good thing."

"How could you possibly think that?" Dhruv asked sarcasm obviously coloring his tone.

"You know what they say no-one knows you better than your first love."

"No." He said forcefully. "She wasn't my first love or anything. There is no way I will ever make the mistake of getting close to her again. We were wrong the first time and in this case, history should never repeat itself."

"And also who the hell said this? Baba Vivanearshor."

Vivan gave a cheeky smile and put his hand in midair like he was giving blessings.

"But I will say give it a try." Vivan shrugged. "What if it works out."

Dhruv took the last sip from his beer bottle and placed it on the table. "Yeah? Bye." Dhruv stood up.

"Wait! Why are you going?" Vivan asked.

"I'm going to go home straight and talk to dad that I'm not marrying her," Dhruv said lips pressed in a thin line.

"Oh Okay, all the best," Vivan said lying back on the bed a chuckle trying to escape from his mouth which Dhruv obviously notice. He gave a glare before leaving which made Vivan burst into laughter.


Dhruv straight drove to his own house. He was determined about talking to his father anyhow. Being a Sunday evening his father would be home and he was. Dhruv found his dad sitting on his bed with her mom playing chess.

"Hey, mum hey dad." He breathed out. "I want to talk to you guys about something." He added.

"Ohh hey dear." Jaya looked at the door where Dhruv was standing. "You're back. How's your date and did you liked Kavya?" Her mom smiled.

But before Dhruv could even open his mouth to speak his dad did "Obviously he liked her. Kavya is such a sweet and beautiful girl." Amith moved his black pawn straight and looked at her wife with a smile gesturing her to do her next move.


But Dhruv's incoherent attempt of interrupting got unnoticed. Although Dhruv had spent a reckless life still he was a bit scared of his father as any other Indian son was.

"You know I kinda did a research about the Sharma family and asked few people about them... And everyone said that the Sharma family is a really decent middle class, down to earth family and Anupam and Kiran Ji has raised both of their daughters very nicely," Jaya informed with a smile as she did her move in the chess board.

"They did seem like a nice family. I think we should take things forward."

"Yeah, I was actually thinking about inviting them for dinner maybe."

"Yeah, you should." Amith smiled.

Dhruv was standing at the doorway looking at his parents as they talked about taking things forward about his marriage with his ex-girlfriend.

He couldn't let this happen. Dhruv was mortified he had barely had enough time to process the idea of getting married, to her, and now his parents were planning to invite her family for dinner.

"Mum dad." Dhruv almost yelled as his parents finally turned his attention towards him.

"I can't marry her." Dhruv shook his head with frustration.

"Obviously you can Dhruv. You're 26 it's high time you get married and start your new life." His dad spoke quietly lips pressed in a thin small smile.

"No dad you don't understand. Is there any way I can get out of this? I even promise to join the office? Please."

"I'm sorry but I have made up my mind. You have really gone too far with your stunts. I can't just sit and wait for you to actually get a girl pregnant and I truly believe that Kavya is best for you unless you actually have a decent girl in your mind which I think you don't have."

"But Dad-"

"Do you have anyone?"


"Then it's final." Amith Malhotra spoke with much stiffness which could give anyone chills. "Jaya invites them for dinner sometime and Dhruv, go freshen up and change."

Dhruv looked at his mum hoping she would take his side but she just shrugged with a small smile.


Wooo I don't have anything to say but everyone is finding the situation amusing except Dhruv and Kavya. 😂

Anyway, do vote and Comment. I love reading comments tho 😅

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