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[F A I L E D   P L A N  & 
P E R F E C T   K I S S]

[F A I L E D   P L A N  &  P E R F E C T   K I S S]

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Dhruv stopped the car in front of his house. Undoing the seat belt he turned towards Kavya. "Don't screw it up." He said.

"Why would I screw up your perfect plan?" Kavya taunts empathizing the word perfect.

Dhruv ignored her and pulled out a packet of cigarettes from his pocket and held it towards Kavya.

"You smoke?" Kavya narrowed her eyes, making her forehead frown in disgust.

"No. I don't. But you do... I mean you pretend that you do in front of my mom."

"What the hell Dhruv. Are you out of your mind or something?"

Dhruv shrugged. "Either pretend that you smoke in front of my mom or marry me."

"Fine," Kavya muttered grabbing the packet from his hands. She took off Dhruv's jacket she was wearing and gave it back.

Getting out of the car she followed Dhruv inside. In her way, the servant gave her a weird judging look in which she couldn't help but suddenly felt very conscious about her clothing. She tried to pull her skirt down a bit and adjust the thin strap of her top.

Dhruv was looking around trying to figure it out where his mom was as he walked. He suddenly stopped. "Jeetu uncle two coffee at my room." He shouted a bit more loudly than necessary.

"But you know I don't like coffee," Kavya said only get shush by Dhruv. He looked towards a certain room for a moment before indicating her to follow him.

Dhruv had only taken the first step of the stairs when a feminine voice called his name. Looking back Kavya noticed Dhruv's mother walking out of that particular room.

"Dhruv did you- oh hello Kavya." Dhruv's mother greeted.

"Hello, Jaya Aunty." Kavya smiled. Dhruv and Kavya both did notice how his mother looked at Kavya from up to down and was definitely taken back for a moment

"What are you doing here? It's not like I'm complaining well I'm rather happy though." Her mother took a few steps towards them.

"Oh I just picked her up from her office and we were thinking maybe we should go clubbing and all but it's quite early so decided to hang out for a bit in my room." Dhruv looked towards Kavya as he said the last part while giving her a noticeable grin which might seem a bit 'controversial'.

"Ohh." Dhruv's mom raised her eyebrow at her son. "But I must say this Kavya you're looking really pretty today. Brown suits you, well every color suits you." She said with a smile, patting Kavya's cheeks with affection.

"A-ha than-thank you," Kavya replied quietly. She took a quick glance at Dhruv who was staring at his mother with a blank expression. He wasn't expecting this reaction. Definitely not.

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