Magic at it's finest

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I'll admit that me and wild haven't survived 4 years through honest means, some times we stole. Ok just once and wild was totally consumed with guilt. I've  stolen some snacks now and then making sure to keep it from wild flower.
Me and wild would always talk but mostly at the end of the day near dusk when wild was about to sleep and I would wake up.
But on the days we were both awake at the same time we would talk for hours about anything. I had learned a lot about wild flower her favorite for example, red blood red, I find that amusing because she looks like a walking tree bush, her favorite music is well anything but she prefers jazz. My favorite music is rap, though my favorite song is Battle scars I swear it's good.

Wild flowers preferred weapon is an axe,me sheild  and scythes depends on what I'm feeling. When I'm with wild flower it's always a sheild. Usually when I think of my weapon it'll appear, but no the good old Spartan sheild is stuck on my arm.
Bet you're wondering " why not a gun?," Well because were humans barley have to use a weapon against a normal human due to surpior intelligence, and strength. Plus most of the real fights are against were humans who bullets fly right off.
I know what else your thinking if their that smart  then how come they aren't famous or rich!? Look black and white America (everybody else) someone wise once said to me that the Happiest people made just enough to live comfortably and that my friends is true.
So just because I'll be a bit more specific about were human powers, and why we can do some super man and spider Man stuff. Long ago humans had magic
Which as you could imagine you could do some impossible things, stay with me now the best part about magic is that anyone could do it and it was stretchable like your limit to your speed and strength(but a little bit more) in other words if you were trash you wouldn't always be. Though magic was the downfall of many kingdoms and then counties for magic amplified ones inner emotions that includes lust and hatred.....
My que to move on to the next part of my story there where two magicians Kanik,and Moin who changed the world single handedly changed the world.
Kanik practiced matrix magic which is the art of bending ones own reality, for example you could do small things like disappear or big things like create another timeline/reality. Yeah and you could do whatever you like with it.
Moin practiced enchanting magic and creation magic, which is exactly what it sounds like enchanting magic pouring your power into something generally giving it natures powers like ice and fire, while creation magic literally let you make anything you wanted (after a little matrix magic) that included live people with souls, emotion the whole package. As you could imagine anyone skilled enough to parent a human almost instantly became worth as much as titanium ore. Kanik and Moin crossed paths on a project for the king, that said project is the reason my type of were human exist today...(now to explain the project in it's entirety ah). First things first Moin made a human and animal form with one soul with the idea that they would be able to alternate between bodies which was still magically impossible, also where Kanik comes in when you wanted something impossible done who did you call a matrix magician. Through his magic the new person or should I say the new wolf was able to switch between bodies at will they could even talk with other wolves practically summon them in this form they were invincible, as a human it was surpior to anything that ever lived it was faster, stronger, smarter, and just in case that wasn't enough they could call on aspects of their inner animal in times of need or emotional strife. The king loved this hybrid so much that he ordered the wizards to make more thousands more of each animal there was. In the kingdom the first were humans were welcome treated no different from a regular human, but outside of  the countries borders men in masks would hurt our kind, spread rumors, sleep with their spouses anything to weaken them. At first  these attacks were comparable to a mosquito bite, but soon the hideous fangs of treachery bit. That day marked the first death of a were human went out by hang no less. As you should figure the king and wizards were outraged so much so that they preformed a ritual that dug up the very roots of the world taking the kingdom to another dimension that only pure hearted humans (this same rule didn't apply for the were humans not that the first of us were bad)and were humans of any variety could enter. Though the place was never seen again  I Know it's true. Anyway me and wild flower have been talking about our connection and I think we might be able to literally fuse you know like the power rangers mega robots. The mix and mash you know just magically. We're basically levelling each other out being the fire to her ice, and the Yin to her Yang our bad qualities will either Be cancelled out by each other's good or they'll just be pilled on each other. our memories will contain both her and my experiences, the good things that make us well us, what makes us unique will be shared between us. The only thing I haven't mentioned is that me and wild could be two people together lol and that our physical and magically strength will be amplified indubitably,and not only is it bound to happen but we might just be the strongest were human combination in the world! But for now wild flower wants to find a different place to stay and a job that pays more than 7 dollars an hour

Just to let you know Moin was a female lol just to mention.

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