part4 The incident

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Every day I think about what happened and why it happened to me and my parents.
When I think about it the...... "Thing," is still looking for me. I remember that day clear as a glass, but  it's weird the day I find out what I am  is the day my parents were murdered. The day it happened it was the middle of winter, my parents anniversary. "Bella, sweetie, time for breakfast," mother called. "Coming mom,"( Kay: phrasing boom!). I began to climb down the tree I was sleeping in. I stopped, in the woods  I see a dark male figure staring at me and and I stared back.
I was 7 at the time, so like a 7 seven year old  would I continued to stare. "Honey!?," My mom called, I looked in the direction mom called me from then back at the man....... He was gone. When I got  back father was bringing wood into the house, "Hi Dad !," I called. He turned "Hey Devil dog ," I Liked it when mom and dad used my nicknames. Mom called me her little silver thorn. When we finished we started a game of Chinese checkers. "There was a man out side," I said, Mother and father looked at each other then at me, and asked "Could you get some wood, but stay closer than u sale,".

When they told me to go get wood I knew they wanted to talk alone (plus dad just brought wood), so I said "ok".

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