Chapter 7

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"Alright, do you girls know why i called you here?"

Chai and i were called on our day off to meet our boss.

"I need you girls to be personal account holders of all of our players who will be heading out to Brazil. And for this we will need to transfer you to Brazil for the next 4 months. You've been working with the team for a while now and should know how to organise everything for them. Oh and, Willian, Eden and David need new PAs so, id be happy if you guys can fill in the spot."

He literally would not let us get a word in. I didnt want to go to Brazil. Call me mad but im not exactly that excited about the World Cup.

"We're not PAs, Sir. We work with money. Not with reporters and players." I wasnt going to be walked over by footballers who wont drink tap water.

"Yes, i know youre not. But if i say you are, then you are. Youre free to leave my office. The plane leave in 3 days. Pack your bags." He ushered us out of the room without a word.

I heard whimpers behind me, which made me stop in my tracks and spin around.

"Chai? Are you okay?" I held onto her shoulders and she covered her mouth with her hand.

"Im just so happy." She cried onto my shoulder.

I knew i couldnt turn this down. Not for me. But for Chai. Although she knew nothing about football, she knew a lot of things about Brazil and many attractive football players. It was a life time opportunity.

I decided id take one for the team.

So here i was sat on a bloody plane to Brazil. Where the soul of football lives and where the dream of every little boy is to become the next Ronaldo.

"I cant believe they got us first class tickets." Chai happily whispered as she pressed the button for the hostess.

"Can i get some water. Oh and a pillow. And a blanket please. Do you have eye masks?" And i can promise you, it went on for the whole flight.

I was pretty sure that the hostess wanted to push Chai out of the airplane or punch her round the face.

As we left the plane i felt the hot heat hit me like a tun of bricks.

"Oh my god, i can feel my nipples melting off." Chai breathed out as she got weird looks from the people around her.

"I told you not to wear that cardigan." I whispered at her so we wouldnt get any more glares.

"Well it was bloody cold at home."

We made our way into baggage collecting area and waited for our bags. Which may i add, took forever. Once we finally received our bags, we made our may into our hotel. It was literally the nicest place i had ever been. I could leave everything back home and come live in this hotel. It was magical.

After we settled down, we decided to go and grab some drinks from the hotel lobby.

"Oh, look they even have hot workers." Chai whisper-yelled in my ear as she clung onto my arm. I quickly pulled her into the hotel bar and ordered us some drinks.

Well, half way through the night Chai decided that the best place for her to dance was on the stool and there was no stopping her. Soon, we were approached by two, very attractive men.

"Having fun?" One of them spoke up.

"Obviously." I replied as i pointed at Chai making them chuckle.

"Im Mats and this is Marco." Mats spoke up.

"We play for the German national team." Marco added on.

"Oh right, you guys came earlier than all the other squads. André should be here too then." I spoke over the music as i scanned the club for André.

"You know André?" Marco asked.

"Yeah, we work for Chelsea." I answered him.

"Well, would you girls join us for a few drinks?" Mats asked as he smiled up at Chai, as she kindly flashed her underwear at the boys.

"We'd love to." I spoke into his ear as i tried to pull Chai down at the same time.

Okay so i wrote half of this chapter and being the ass iam i didnt save it. So pissed at myself. And can we talk about the fact that David is now a country away from me shdhspapehbrhrdienebsvwi liKE HE WAS SO CLOSE BEFORE AND I NEVER THOUGHT OF STALKING HIM OR ANYTHING. So i cant be bothered to check my mistakes now, i'll do it later tonight x x

Confused - David Luiz. (NOT FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now