Chapter 8

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"I dont know if they sent us on holiday or for us to do our job." I spoke to Chai as we sat and sunbathed at the Brazilian beach.

"Its like a free holidays ive been trying to win all my life." She practically yelled as she sat up to grab her cocktail from the side.

You see, when the locals find out youre from somewhere else, they try to sell everything to you. This time, we had attracted a young boy selling arm bands.

He started talking in portuguese and shoved the arm bands in my face.

"Mate, i dont need them." I said as i pushed his hand away, which flew right back in my face.

"Não obrigado." I spoke up with the little portuguese i knew. He decided to give Chai a go and she was not happy.

"Why is he shouting at me?" She whispered as she faced me.

"Eles não querem qualquer, aqui, pegue isso e deixar as mulheres sozinhas." A voice spoke behind us. And let me tell you one thing, i was so glad to see him.

"David!" I yelled as us jumped in his arms.

"Hello." He smiled as he let go of me.

"Youve got a tan!" He spoke up again as he looked me up and down.

"I know! Doesnt it look sexy?" I screamed in his face.

"Yes, it does." He smiled at me.

"When did you arrive?" Chai asked as David sat on my bathing chair and applied suncream on his arms.

"Last night, i just woke up André told me you guys were on the beach. And before you ask Chai, Oscars still asleep and our room number is 303 if you want to wake him up." He breathed out at Chai with a smile.

She quickly slipped on her summer dress and gave David a kiss on the cheek as she dashed off towards the hotel which was connected to the sea.

"Can you cream my back?" David asked as he handed me the bottle and turned his back towards me.

"How does it feel to be back at home?" I questioned him as i squeezed the cream on my hand.

"Amazing." He hissed as i applied the cold cream on his back.

"When are you going to see your parents?" I added on.

"In about two hours, im going to travel back home." He turned towards me and glanced over my shoulder.

"I didnt know we were sharing a hotel with the German players." He whispered as his eyes were still fixed behind me. I turned around to see Mesut and Mario staring at us.

"Oh, yeah, we're friends with quiet a few of the players from that squad. You know, it was just me and Chai and we just got to know them. Theyre fun." I told him.

"Fun? Them?... Fun. Well you can go hang out with them, im going to take a shower and leave." He replied in a cold tone.

"But you said two hours!" I called after him. "David!" I yelled, yet he still carried on walking. I yanked on my hair as i turned around to sit back down.

"Your boyfriends pissed off." Mesut laughed as he approached me.

"Hes not my boyfriend." I replied as i put my towel in my bag with all my other belongings and placed my glasses over my eyes.

"You screamed after him." He commented back and he tugged on my arm to sit down.

"Id love to talk, but ive got to go." I tried pulling my arm away.

"After your boyfriend." Mesut stated with a smirk on his face.

"Hes not my boyfriend!" I nearly yelled.

"Go out with me then. Let me take you somewhere." He stood up over me.

"Im not going out with you."

"Why not?"

"Im not going, Mesut."

"Why not?"

"I dont want to go."

"Why not?"

"Are we really playing this game?"

"Why not?"

"Fine, i'll go with you. Jesus, i literally can not believe you made me do this. Im so done." I grabbed my beach bag and stormed away into the hotel.

As i made my way into the lobby i felt my phone vibrate in my bag.

"Hello?" I answered the unknown number.

"Savannah, sweetheart, its me, Jonathan." My boss spoke up.

"I need you to start with the boys tomorrow. So your holidays over and i really need you to concentrate. I need you to take care of David and Willian. Its important that everything goes right with Davids transfer. So gutted he decided to leave. Anyways, have fun darling." He yelled down the line and ended the call in my face.

"Fuck." I whispered under my breath as i realised the shit i had to do.

I was an hour late to work the other day and my manager was so cool about it, i was like dayum gurl. Anyways, looking for a footballer bf, im a hot single mum who likes long walks on the beach. So hit me up. ( jk im only 17 pls)

Confused - David Luiz. (NOT FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now