There are a lot of lost souls out there who seem to make its their life's mission to tell me what they think of me. Now I have a question for you people, what in the name of the rising sun makes you think I give half a shit about what you think of me? Like the people on who tell me "I think you're ugly" "I think you're this" or "I think you're that" I think they think I'm gonna be all like.. Wow, I can't believe you actually said that. I'm crying now. My feelings are hurt and I'm going to sit at home all day cutting onions and listening to Adele. Bitch please. Your opinion matters to me as much as Taylor Swifts relationships mean more to her than her next album. If you didn't know this I unfortunately lost all of my fucks a long time ago, one day I woke up looked all over for them but they were no where to be found. So I'm sorry that I can't give a shit I try I really do but I just can't find my fucks, or shits.