Shooting Stars Arrive

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Our setting, a city in japan called Echo Ridge

Our Year is 226X

Earth has been at a long lasting peace after the FM-ians invasion, to the MU incident, to the events of Meteor G. Earths survival through these events was thanks to a boy, His name is Geo Stellar

Of course he wasn't alone he had his friends and family by his side, as well as an Alien made out of EM waves, this beings name is Omega-xis or Mega for short

Thanks to Mega Geo was able to preform an EM wave change forming the hero MegaMan

MegaMan stood strong against all the troubles of Earth and won. Geo and Megas bond grew through there adventures Geo also became more brave and open to others then he used to be.

Right now Geo is 17 living happily……and about to start a new adventure


"Your really gonna be coming back tomorrow!?" A boy with brown hair that spiked up in the back exclaimed with excitement. The boy had on a blue jacket with a black shirt underneath, White pants and blue shoes as well as a strange pare of red classes on his head.

He held a strange device with a virtual screen coming off it

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He held a strange device with a virtual screen coming off it

"Yep, I can't wait to see everyone again!" A girl with short violet hair and green eyes said also exited. The girl appeared to be the same age as the boy.

"This is great Sonia, everyone will be so happy to hear this" The boy said in a happy tone

"Yeah……still can't believe its been a year sins I left, I can't wait to see you all again Geo" The girl now known as Sonia said

"Yeah" Geo said as he started to remember what happened a year ago that day


"Well……guess this is goodbye" The 16 year old Sonia said with sadness in her voice as she looked twords her friends

"We're gonna miss you Sonia!" Two of her friends said as they went and hugged her. One of the teens was tall yet big while the other was short and looked to be around 6 but just like the rest was 16

"I'll miss you two, Bud and Zack" Sonia said as she hugged them back

The two boys stepped away as a blond stepped up

"I hope you have fun on your year long tore" The blond said

"I'll try, also don't over do it with the paper work Luna" Sonia said getting a smirk from Luna as she turned

"Bud Zack……lets leave Geo and Sonia alone come on" Luna said as she walked past the two

"Y-yes ma'am" They both said following her

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