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The six students from Echo Ridge all sit in silence. After the women had appeared she escorted the six back to what looked like an academy. Geo, Sonia, Bud, and Solo had exited their wave forms all though it was a little hard to get Solo to do so though. The six were currently in a clock tower sitting down in a pretty big office. In front of them a man with grey hair, a black suit, and glasses sat at his desk holding a coffee mug and a tablet playing the video of what happened in the forest.

"Hmm.....these a quite the semblances you four" The man said with a calm tone his eyes landing on the four wave changers. Geo did his best keeping a serious yet calm look, Sonia and Bud looked nervous while Solo just sat there with his arms crossed not really caring. Luna and Zack had small looks of fear afraid of what they may do.....especially since they saw team RWBY's and JNPR's battle and their crazy weaponry.

"I wouldn't call what they did a semblance" The blond women said from behind the six earthlings as the video showed Sonia in her Harp Note form and Geo in his MegaMan form using their battle cards against the Nevermore.

"True..." The man said taking a sip of his coffee his eyes falling on the two teens "Mind explaining what exactly we saw?.....I can assure you wont be jailed or anything"

"Why should we tell you anything?" Solo said feeling pretty annoyed. He felt the women glare at him but didn't care.

"If you don't we could lock you six up, not only did you just crash into the initiation but your abilities are to powerful to let you go around freely" The women stated with a stern look.

Solo turned and faced her "Lock us up?.....listen here lady, don't talk all high and mighty your far from it, and from what I've seen you don't have the means to even keep us locked up so why don't you just shut it" Hearing this made the womens eyes glow with pure anger.

"What did you just-"

"Easy Glynda....." The man said keeping his calm tone. The women now known as Glynda changed her gaze to the man.

"Are you really going to just sit there while he talks like this Ozpin?" She asked angrily.

"I don't like it anymore then you do Glynda, but you saw the video, what they displayed is a level of skill and power that can mach as well as out mach most huntsman and huntresses?.......and their no older from most students here....." The man named Ozpin stated.

'Huntsman?.....Huntresses?' Geo thought

Glynda continued to meat Ozpins calm gaze, soom she broke it with an angered sigh stepping back to collect herself. Ozpin looked back to the six teens.

Luna looked ready to smack Solo for the way he talked but held herself together, Zack seemed more calm but was also terrified by Glynda and also surprised at how Solo stood up to her, Bud was still nervous and sweating a bit, Sonia was looking at Geo with a curious look due to him having his thinking look on his face.

"Now, are you going to explain?" Ozpin asked. Solo was about to say something but fearing he may just bad mouth again Luna quickly answered before he could say a word.

"I can try sir" She spoke somehow managing to tuck away her fear and keep her posture.

"No reason to be so formal, just call me Ozpin Miss....."

"Luna, Luna Platz"

"Miss Platz, I would like to know a few things, one: who you six are, two: What you six are, three: How did your friends do what they did in emerald forest, four: Where you are from, and five I will ask ones you answer the first four" Ozpin said keeping his calm tone.

"W-well ok..." She cleared her throat pointing to Zack who was sitting to the right of her "This is Zack Temple"

"H-Hello sir"

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