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While the teens from Echo Ridge and the Headmaster of Beacon talked team RWBY sat in their new dorm all though they haven't unpacked or anything just yet. They as well as the rest of the students were sent to their dorm after their teams were announced.

Yang was laying on her bed facing the ceiling while playing on her scroll, Blake was sitting on her bed reading a book quietly. Ruby was humming a toon as she cleaned Crescent Rose while Weiss was passing back and fourth with her thumb and first finger pressed against her chin as she thought. Her thoughts were about the six teens that had fallen and landed in emerald forest. She was confused on how the 4 out of the 6 were able to summon that armor as well as use those abilities, she knew that not all of those abilities were something one semblance alone could achieve.

Yang looked away from her scroll to Weiss "I'd stop that pacing around if I were you...don't want to break a heal do you princess?" She joked smirking getting a irritated look from Weiss.

"Am I the only one trying to figure this out?" She asked her teammates.

Ruby looked up from her weapon to Weiss with a confused look as she asked "Figure what out?"

"Those teens from the forest!" She exclaimed.

"Oh you mean the ones that summoned that super cool armor?" The silver eyed girl asked a small sparkle in her eyes as she remembered the events that took place at emerald forest, she began to inner fangirl at the armors and weapons they used.....all though she only saw two of the four.

"Yes" Weiss answered.

"What's there to figure out?.....they just had some fancy armor and cool semblances" Yang stated sitting up.

"Did you ever think how they even called their armor?...or who made it?.....better yet what they were doing just crashing into the forest?" Weiss questioned only getting a shrug from the blonde brawler.

Blake looked up from her book and to Weiss "Why don't you ask Ozpin If he knows anything if your so interested, he'd probably know something" She stated in her normal calm tone.

Weiss thought for a moment before gaining a small smile "Good idea, thanks Blake" Weiss turned and was about to walk to the door only to stop hearing Ozpin's voice over the intercoms.

"Would all students please make your way to the assembly building please, I repeat all students please make your way to the assembly building"

"Aww I was almost done cleaning Crescent Rose" Ruby wined.

Yang looked to her sister with a smirk "Don't worry sis, you can finish cleaning your baby when we get back"

"Ok..." Ruby set Crescent Rose down and stood up.

"I wonder what Ozpin wants" Blake asked setting her book down as she got up.

"Who knows" Yang shrugged.

"I just hope its quick so I can get answers" Weiss said opening the door and walking out. Her teammates soon followed as they made their way to their destination. As they arrived they ran into team JNPR.

"Hey guys" Ruby waved.

"Hello Ruby" Ren greeted.

"Got any clue as to why Ozpin is calling us all down?" Jaune asked.

Yang shrugged "No clue, maybe he forgot a speech or something".

The two team entered the room wich was filled with other students, on the stage Ozpin stood with Glynda at his side, the Mic was in front of him. Ozpin cleared his throat while near the mic so it was heard through the speakers making the students slowly quiet down till there was silence in the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2020 ⏰

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