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"I noticed your tattoo yesterday and was curious, if you don't mind that is, will you tell what language is it written in and what it says?"

Might as well try to get at least some information from this man, since he's so keen on being a private guy. Maybe I'll mention his families recent donation...

He leans over the table, furrows his brow and tilts his head to the side. He purses his lips and says -"Are you always so curious? You won't find anything out about me by looking me up by the way, don't even try."

H...ho-how did he know that I researched him last night? He looks at my confused face and lets out deep chuckle.

"I see everything baby boy. You'll never do anything that I won't know about. You can't even wake up in the middle of the night without me knowing about it. I own this prison, and I own you. Sorry doll, that's just how it works." He leans back into his chair a blows his hair out of his eyes.

I quickly shut my mouth and think hard about what Yoongi just said. Was he spying on me? Was does he mean by he owns this prison? Hmph. This is just a scare tactic. All lies.

"You don't scare me Yoongi. You know nothing about me, so stop trying to scare me."

He shifts in his seat and casually leans backs. "Well, I know how much these muscular guards turn you on. I see that look in your eyes when they bring you your patients. That little fucking pout when they leave. You love it. That's something I know."

My mouth parts and a little gasp comes out.

"That is false Sir and you know it! I have trained for years to become as professional as possible and I will not allow you to undermine my credibility!"

He gives me a dark look.

"Watch your mouth Jimin. Remember who you belong to. For such a professional, you sure do yell an awful lot."

"I don't belong to anyone but myself! Now. Back to the topic at hand. Will you so graciously tell me what your tattoo means?"

He sets his handcuffed hands onto the desk so I could clearly see his detailed tattoo. "Finché la morte non ci salva means till death saves us".

I frown. "Death doesn't save you though? Death destroys and ruins people's lives. When people die, you mourn their loss."

He looks down at the tattoo, shaking his head.

"Depends on who is dying. I know lots of people that could die and no one would blink an eye. Lots of these men in here are murders, rapists, and criminals. No one will mourn their loss."

I shake my head and furrow my brow. "That's not necessarily true. People do bad things yes, but there will always be someone who notices their absence. Whether this be a grieving mother, a guilty brother, or a random stranger who noticed that the man on the back of the train isn't there today. Even criminals deserve the opportunity to be mourned."

His eyes narrow and he tilts his head to the side slightly. "You remind me so much of a friend I once had."

"Will you tell me about him? This old friend of yours."

He sighs and sink into his chair, "He was beautiful. We would make pillow forts and talk about life."

"When did he pass away?"

Gosh that was so rude of me to ask but I'm really curious...

"I was 15 and he was 11... I doubt he even remembers me. We did everything together.. but then one day he decided to wander into the forest behind our house and my parents found him later that night. His funeral was the next day. I never got to say goodbye."

He looks distantly at the wall of the room.


"Chimmy please don't go! You'll miss my moms famous lasagna tonight! It's not worth it." 15 year old Min Yoongi yells, cheeks flushing and eyes starting to glisten.

It was a very cold day. The snow had recently fallen, coating the leaves and roofs of the neighboring houses. But Jimin insisted that he must go back to get his teddy bear that he left in the woods earlier when they were playing. 

The blonde haired little boy turns and smiles over his shoulder. "Don't worry Yoons! I'll be back before she's even done making it." Still smiling, the boy skips into the woods to go save his precious teddy.

Yoongi shakes his head. This boy is crazy, he thought. But I love him.

He walks into his living room to see his parents sitting at the dining room table with serious expressions on their faces.

"Come sit Yoongi. We have something we need to tell you."

Yoongi sits at the empty chair, hands clenching at his sides and heart thumping loudly in his chest. Did they find Jimin? His parents look at each other and sigh.

"Park Jimin was found dead in the woods this morning. Hypothermia had set in and it is believed to be the known cause of death. We're so sorry Yoongi."

His parents watch as their only son sinks to the floor, crying silently. His eyes were glazed over and no noise left his lips. That's when they knew... their son is going to be numb.

End Flashback

"Im so sorry Yoongi. I know that must be hard to remember. I'm sure he is looking down at you with love in his eyes from somewhere in Heaven."

Suddenly, the sad expression Yoongi wore in his face was washed away and an angry one took its place.

"You have no idea what I've been through! If you think I'm going to sit here and play mind games with you then you are very much mistaken. Guards?!"

The guards barge in and take a struggling Yoongi away as he yells profanity at them. I don't understand.. one moment he was talking to me normally the next he was yelling. This childhood friend must be a very touchy subject to him.

I'll have to dig further.

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