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It's so dark in here. Where am I? I slowly open my eyes, coughing as dust gets in my lungs. I look around at my surroundings, noticing that I'm in the back of a moving vehicle in the trunk.

Help! Help me! Somebody! Please! I pound my fist on the roof of the trunk, tears running down my cheeks. Where's Yoons? I want my teddy.

The vehicle I'm in suddenly comes to a halting stop making my head slam into the side of the trunk. I try to breathe shallow so I make no noise. The trunk is opening.. yes yes! I see my parents! Wait... why does my mom have a needle in her hand? No mom please don't! Nooo!!!

Slowly everything turns to black.

I wake up with a jolt and sit straight up in my bed. That was a crazy dream. It felt so .. realistic.

Running the sleep out of my eyes and slowly get out of bed and take small steps to my bathroom, wincing when I flip the light on.

Looking at myself in the mirror I frown. Dark bags are under my eyes, and my hair is flying in all different direction. My cheeks are flush with pink and my lips are pouty.

I'm going to ask Yoongi about his crimes today.

Parting my lips, I drink my coffee slowly and stare across the table at him. He has been everything but compliant with me today. As soon as a asked him about his files he shit me out and denied to speak up.

"You know.. I'm here to help you."

He rolls his eyes and scoffs, "No you are not. You are here because according to that file, I'm unstable and need physiatric counseling. You don't give a shit about me so don't fucking pretend to." 

He's almost growling at the end and I can feel a drop of spit on my cheek. I take a deep gulp and look down. He's so intimidating..

"Look, it's 8 am. I don't want to be here any more than you do, but I really don't want to sit here and waste an hour of my life with your bad attitude."

I drop my shoulders and slouch in my chair. That dream last night is going on a loop in my mind. It was so familiar feeling.

"What's wrong baby boy? I can see those wheels turning in that pretty head of yours."

I snap my head up at him-"First of, don't call me that. And don't call me pretty. I just had a bad dream last night that's all."

He frowns.

"Do you want to talk to me about it? Since you can't counsel me I could counsel you?"

"Well it's really weird. I was in the trunk of a moving car and when the trunk popped open I saw my mother with a needle in her hand. I kept screaming but she wouldn't help me. I don't know it's probably something stupid."

Suddenly, he stands up, knocking his chair over making me jump from the loud noise. Looking at me very closely he leans forward until he's almost an inch away from my face.

I feel his hot breathe hit my lips and it takes everything in me not to get closer and- no Jimin! Bad. He's a criminal. But why does this feel so normal?

"Watch what you say baby. The walls have eyes yes? Pretend I'm whispering something dirty to you and push me away okay? 1..2..3."

Nodding, I push him away. "Stop flirting with me! Guards?!"

He looks at me with contempt in his eyes. He mouths good job to me but I just frown. What did he mean by that? Why did I have to watch what I say? This is my office anyway..

The guards shortly come in and remove Yoongi from my office. Right when he walks out he turns to me and mouths 'check under your desk'.

As soon as my door closes I peek under my desk and look around for this thing he wants me to see. My search comes up empty.

What is this man playing at? Is he trying to just make me look stupid? But then- I see a reflection underneath my pile of files that I have underneath my desk in a corner.

Getting closer, I squint trying to see what is making the glare. Squatting down, I grab the black object and hold it up to the light.

In my hands was a tiny black camera.

Oh Yoongi... what aren't you telling me?

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