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This is a continuation of the last chapter! Trigger warning ⚠️ -attempted rape

It was a long uncomfortable session with Namjoon and Yoongi, where they spoke and Yoongi lulled me to sleep with his soft touches and gentle whispers in my ear.

I spent the majority of the time dozing off, not catching what the men were talking about. When I woke, I was in the chair in the corner, the clock read 10 o'clock. How long had I been asleep? The session started at 6..

Walking to my desk, I see a white piece of paper with a note on it. It read:

Hello Angel,

When you read this i'll be gone. But don't worry, soon you'll be with me. Check your desk drawer. Be safe, and don't trust anyone. Especially Namjoon.

Love, Yoongi

What does he mean he's gone? Had he escaped? I need to alert the prison staff! But wait.. what did he say about checking my desk?

Slowly I open the desk drawer.. but the door to my office slams open and Namjoon walks in. I quickly shut the drawer, unable to see what was inside. He's stumbling around and the stench of alcohol makes my nose scrunch up. Could he be in on this too?

"Namjoon... have you been drinking? Why are you here? Where's Yoongi?" I slowly creep my fingers towards my stapler. Just in case.

Namjoon grabs my wrist and pushes me over the desk, so that his face is an inch away from mine. I feel tears pool in my eyes, and the bruise starting to form from where he was grabbing my wrist so harshly.

Ignoring what I asked him, he tries to remove my shirt. "All you ever did was talk about Yoongi! Yoongi this! Yoongi that!" He stops mid sentence to let out a loud hiccup, giving me time to hop off the desk and back up towards the door.

But he was quicker. He runs at me, grabbing me by my hair and throwing me to the floor. I let out a scream, hoping some one will hear me. Though everyone that could was behind metal bars.

I'm thrashing around and crying hysterically. "Stop stop! Please no! Namjoon STOP!" By now, he has my pants unbuttoned and is attempting to pull down my underwear. But something makes him stop. He eyes the tattoo on my hip. It's a small black and white teddy bear.

He gets up and I immediately curl up in a ball, hugging myself and crying. How could he do this? I feel so dirty...

He stands straight up, apparently losing his drunkenness. "Get up. Did you hear me? I said get the fuck up!"

Sobbing, I shaken up stand to my feet, buttoning my shirt and pants again. I should have listened to Yoongi. This is all my fault. If only I had- no! The only way to live through this is to listen to what Namjoon says.

"Listen to me Jimin. I'm going to give you 5 minutes only. I want everything you have on Yoongi to be shredded okay? Can you do that for me? Not a single note left about him okay? None. Nod your head if you can understand me."

I nod my head. I turn to my folders and pull out the one titled "Min Yoongi" and sit at my desk chair, plugging in my paper shredder. Namjoon nods and walks out the door, not before reminding me I only have 5 minutes to complete my task.

When the door shuts, I open my drawer and look inside. Nothing? Why would Yoongi.. but my hands touch something cold and hard. I pull it out, it's a shiny black gun.

Gasping, I quickly tuck the gun into the waits band of my pants covering it with my shirt. Sending a small thank you to Yoongi. I don't know how he got it here, or why I need to be careful, but something is obviously wrong and I need to follow his advice. He's the only sane one here right?

Glancing up at the clock, I have 2 minutes left to finish shredding the Yoongi information. But why should I? Yoongi seems like the only one who isn't absolutely bat shit crazy. Namjoon obviously is a bad man.

I spy a paper labeled "Background" in Yoongis folder. Since I never read my patients folders because I want to figure it out myself through them sharing it with me, I never got the chance to read it.

I fold up the paper and stuff it into my back pocket. I will have to read it later. Right on time as the last paper gets shredded, Namjoon comes in with his gun in his hand, finger on the trigger.

"Get up. Let's go." Namjoon demands, grabbing my arm and pulling me out the door.

Please Yoongi.. where are you?

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