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"Hey, I'm with you, okay? Always?"

"Hey, I'm with you, okay?" Kay suddenly said as she was driving, gripping the stirring wheel, "Always?"

"What?" Cameron said snapping out of his daze.

Kay looked in her rear-view mirror as they were leaving the prison, "I know that you're hurt but I need you to know I'm here for you. Whatever you need, just please don't push me away."

When they got to a red light, Cam placed a hand on hers, "Thank you Kay" He removed it when the light turned green and gave her a faint smile as she made the way back to the archive, them both sitting in a comfortable silence.

When they opened the door to the archive, the team almost looked surprised. Dina quickly ran up to Cameron and gave him a great big mama bear hug. "Oh my god Cameron, we are so sorry! I can't believe that we didn't realize that it was Johnny who left."

Cameron chuckled as Dina let him go, "Hey D, it's fine. Really..." He took a glance at Kay, "Luckily, when Kay came in to see how Jonathan was doing, she noticed that it was me and not him."

Dina gave a sincere smile to Kay, "Thank you Kay. Really."

Kay smiled, "It was nothing, I'm just glad that Cameron is back with his family where he belongs"

Gunter, who was usually not one for emotions, spoke up, "That means you now too Kay."


"I'm not going to lie, when the FBI let the Mystery Woman go, my first instinct was to get angry at you but then I remembered, thanks to Jordan and Dina," Jordan gave a smug smirk to Gunter, "That you were the first, and quite frankly, the only person who was willing to help us and truly believed us. you even risked your own career at some points. So, thank you my friend."

Kay smiled but before she could say anything, Jordan spoke up, "Wow, Kay, you really are something else. I've known Gunter for years and I have never seen him spill his guts like that before."

Gunter rolled his eyes, "And if you tell anybody about this Jordan, I will quite literally spill your guts"

It was Dina's turn to roll her eyes, "How about we all go and have a nice cup of coffee?"

Cameron cleared his throat, "Well, if you don't mind, I'm actually gonna go out to the balcony for a few minutes, need the air."

They all nodded in understanding, then Dina invited Kay in, "I want to here about how you got Cameron out so quickly"

Kay chuckled, "Well, it took a lot of yelling at the guards and a few choice swear words I didn't realize were in my vocabulary until then." About twenty minutes later, Cameron was still outside, "He's been out there a while" Kay noted.

Dina nodded, handing her a second cup of coffee, "Here, why don't you take this to him, I have a feeling it should be you who talks to him right now."

Kay took a deep breath and headed towards the balcony, she knocked on the open door, "Hey Cam, may I join you?" Cameron nodded. Kay came and stood next to him, handing him the cup, "Here, Dina made this for you."

He took the coffee from her hand, their fingers brushed slightly, "Thanks." He took a sip of it. Cameron was being quiet, it was really unlike him.

"Cam?" Kay asked softly, "Are you okay?"

Cam gave a slight chuckle, "Nope. I'm angry."

"I get it. I mean Jon-"

"No, Kay, you don't. I'm not angry with Jonathan, I mean I am but I'm not angry at him right now."

Kay furrowed her eyebrows, "Then who are you angry at?"

"Myself." Cam sighed, "I'm angry at myself for ever being angry with you."

"Y-you were angry with me?" Kay whispered.

He placed his coffee on a nearby corner table, "Yeah... it's just... when the FBI let MW get away. I told myself that I was done with the FBI. I even told Jonathan that I was done with you." Kay felt her eyes glaze over but she wanted to let him continue, "I was treating you like you were just some random FBI agent who didn't care about me or my family in the long run, boy, did those thirty-six hours behind bars remind me that I was wrong."

"You... you thought of me as just another FBI agent?"

"Yeah... in that fit of anger, I did. I was just so frustrated with trying to get Johnny out the right way and not getting anywhere with it, I didn't realize that I wasn't going to go about it the right way this time. Then when he said that he didn't want to escape with me... I don't know." Cameron ran a hand through his hair, "You were never just another FBI agent to me Kay."

Kay gave him a small smile, "Really?"

Cameron turned to face her, "Yeah, I mean, I could honestly say that I consider you as my best friend. You make laugh, you make me smile... you make me want to be better than I am"

Kay smiled widely, so wide that Cameron wanted to take a mental photo of how beautiful she looked in that moment as she replied, "I consider you as my best friend too Cameron."

"Kay?" Cameron said taking a step closer, "I know that we haven't known each other for that long but... I don't know what I'd do without you in my life anymore."

Kay then took a step closer, "Well then, it's lucky for you that you won't have to find out anytime soon because I am not going anywhere."

They then hugged, with Kay wrapping her arms around his neck and Cameron having his arms around her back and her waist. He rested his head against her shoulder and thanked whatever higher power allowed him to have Kay in his life because he could trust that she was truly with him. Always.

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