Snow Cone

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Today's winning number is... 11 – "Don't you dare throw that snowba- Goddammit" Let's enjoy a little bit of pure snowy fluff today!

"Don't you dare throw that snowba- Goddammit!" Kay shrieked as the cold white snow hit her face. A few months into their relationship and Kay still couldn't understand her boyfriend's thought process sometimes. They were simply taking a walk in the park in the freshly fallen snow, hand in hand, not having to deal with a case for once when Cameron suddenly got this mischievous look in his eyes, let go of her gloved hand and created a snowball. Kay wiped most of the snow off her face, "Cameron! You do know that it is freezing, right?"

Cameron laughed and shrugged, "Yeah, that's kinda the point!"

Kay rolled her eyes and smirked, "So that's how you wanna play it?" Kay picked up snow off the ground, balling it and came running towards Cameron who in turn, started running again, "We could have just kept walking!"

"And where would the fun in that be?" He shouted over his shoulder as he went behind a large tree.

Kay tried to follow him behind the tree with the snowball in her hand but he disappeared, "Cameron...?" Kay then felt snow go down her back, "That is cold!" She exclaimed, turning around and slapping her snowball into Cam's face. She laughed as he shook his head to get rid of the snow, "That's what you get!"

Kay could have sworn she saw his eyes darken as he took a step towards her, "Is it?"

Kay realized what was going on as she took a step back towards the tree, grinning playfully, "It is. I don't appreciate snow being thrown at me."

Cameron took another step towards her and smirked, "Oh really?"

Kay took another step back when her back hit the trunk of the tree, "Oh yes, I don't know how I'm ever going to forgive you for this." She joked.

Cameron lightly gripped her upper arms, "You have to let me try." He joked, raising his eyebrows.

"I guess I cou-" She was cut off by Cameron's lips on hers.

She grabbed the lapels of his coat and deepened the kiss, when air became necessary again; they pulled away, breathing a bit heavy, "Forgive me now?"

Kay pretended to think, "I think... but hey, what's that?"

Cameron furrowed his eyebrows and looked over his shoulder, "I don't see any-ahh!" Kay pushed him to the ground laughing as he fell on his back. "Kay!" He laughed.

"It's called payback!" Kay chuckled. She then gave out her hand to help him up. He took her hand but instead of getting up, he pulled her down and rolled over so that she was on her back and he hovered over her with his arms wrapped around her.

They both laughed at what had just happened. "No, this is payback."

Kay rolled her eyes, "Very mature." She said gripping his arms.

"Of course." They just simply looked into each other's eyes for a few moments in a comfortable silence.



"Where do you see yourself in... say, five years?" Kay didn't want the conversation to take this turn but her curiosity of the future got the best of her.

"Hmm... I'm not sure but I do know what I want." He thought for a moment, "I know that I want to be as happy as I am right now... with you." He responded as his cheeks turned pink, although that could have been from the cold.

Kay smiled at him, "I want that too." Cam smiled back at her and then leaned in and placed a light kiss on her lips.

When he pulled back, Cameron then noticed the passing onlookers who were looking at them strangely, "Okay but seriously, let's head back to the Archive, I don't want you to catch a cold and have it be my fault." He said, actually helping her up.

"Hmm, maybe I'll just stay out here then." Kay said smirking.

"Oh no you don't." Cameron intertwined his hand with hers as they ran back to Kay's car to get back to the Archive.

When they got back, Dina was the first to greet the two, "Hey guys-you two are soaking wet! Come in before you catch your deaths." Dina shook her head, "Cameron, what did you do?"

Cameron looked offended, "Hey, how do you know Kay didn't start it?"

"Because Kay's not childish enough to start a snowball fight."

Cameron rolled his eyes as Dina walked away and took his girlfriend by the arm and took her to his room for a moment. He opened his closet and looked through it, "Hey, I'm sorry if the whole snowball fight thing upset you in any way, I just wanted us to have some... I don't know... some carefree fun?"

Kay smiled as she sat down in an armchair, "Oh no, no. It was fun actually, I laughed a lot. I don't think I've laughed so much since I was a kid." Kay noticed Cameron picked up comfortable looking sweater and handed it to her, "Oh, no, Cam I don't need to change."

"Oh yes you do, I got your clothes cold and wet. I don't want you to get sick from it." He insisted placing the sweater on her lap. She smiled picking it up then looked at Cam, "What?" He asked.

"I'm... kinda waiting for you to leave."

"Oh come one Kay, it's not like there's anything I haven't seen."

Kay rolled her eyes, "Cameron..."

Cam nodded, "Right. You know what it's probably for the best otherwise we might not be leaving this room for a while." Before he left the room, "But uh... just in case, codeword today is 'Snow cone'." He left the room for Kay to change and went to make her a cup of coffee. He smiled as the jar of cinnamon he bought for her, Kay wasn't really a sweets kind of person but she loved her cinnamon.

That's when Jordan and Gunter walked in and Gunter said, "Oi Cameron! If you're done making googly eyes at the cinnamon, could you make me and Jordan a cup of coffee as well?"

Cam rolled his eyes, "Sure, no problem."

Kay then walked out in the baggy sweater and the leggings she had been wearing beforehand, "Hey guys"

Jordon waved, "Hey Kay. So how was the snowball fight?"

"How'd you-"

"Cam's been planning it for a while."

"He has" She asked raising an eyebrow.

"Trust me, if I had known, I would have talked him out of it" Dina said as she came to the kitchen area where everyone was.

"I thought it would be fun." He said, smiling at Kay. He had enough trouble controlling himself around her as is but now that she was wear the giant sweater, it was driving him crazy, "Anyway, coffee's ready guys." He took his cup and handed Kay hers, "Here you are Milady. Coffee with an extra shot, some foam, a splash of milk-"

"And cinnamon" He and Kay both said.

"You know me so well." She said as she happily sipped on the much needed hot beverage.

"I'm a good observer... and boyfriend." Cam smirked.

"Well, your girlfriend appreciates that very much" She said as they all went and sat down. They sat there drinking their coffee, talking, laughing and telling stories. Cam and Kay had been sitting close to each other, 'accidentally' brushing their legs together, holding hands, Cam putting his arm around Kay's shoulder. The conversations soon ended and as Jordan, Gunter and Dina were discussing something, Kay leaned over to Cameron and said, "Snow cone."

"We have to go." Cameron stated as he and Kay got up and quickly walked away.

The other three looked at each other for a moment, "So do you guys wanna get something to eat?" Jordan asked.

"Yeah." Gunter replied.

"Any requests?"

"Anything but snow cones." Dina said.

Jordan nodded in agreement, "Yeah, they're both pretty smart but those two really need to work on better codewords"

Hope you guys enjoyed this one, I just felt like we need something light and fluffy.

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