Love Makes One Do Crazy Things

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Today's lucky number is... 2 – "Have you lost your damn mind!?"

Cameron slowly opened his eyes and noticed by the bright white lights that he was in a hospital room. He also noticed that Kay was sitting next to him in a bedside chair, wiping his forehead with a cold wet towel, he cracked a smile as he made eye contact with her, "Kay..." His throat felt dry.


"Could I get some water? Please?"

Kay nodded and got him some water from a nearby table, giving the plastic white cup to him, "Feel better?"

"Much. Thank you."

Kay smiled with relief before frowning and shook her head, "Have you lost your damn mind!?"

Cam gave dry chuckle, "Nice to see you too Milady"

"Don't get cute with me Cameron. What were you thinking?"

"I was thinking that I was saving my girlfriend." Cameron said raising an eyebrow.

"You got yourself stabbed!" Kay said in an exasperated tone.

They had been working on a case involving the stabbing of a beauty pageant contestant. It a quite simple case really, the jealous roommate, Lisa, did, thinking it would give her a better chance at winning. However when she tried to run, Kay chased after her but what they didn't know what that Miss Crazy had been carrying a large knife and had been planning on killing another contestant that night. Instead of Kay cornering her, she had somehow cornered Kay, "You really think you could outsmart someone with an IQ of 140!?" The killer had this psychotic look in her eye.

Kay tried to get her to calm down and listen to reason, "Lisa, you don't have to do this-"

"Of course I do! Or you are going to ruin my life."

"Actually, you ruined your own life." Cameron's voice came from behind Lisa.

"Cameron, get out of here!" Kay exclaimed.

Lisa turned to the magician giving Kay an opportunity to get back into the open space, "I would listen to your FBI agent girlfriend Mr Black. It could get real messy for you both."

"Yeah... but see, I don't care for people trying to hurt the people I care about." Cam said.

Kay suddenly appeared in front of him, "Same goes for me." Lisa's crazed look turned deranged as Kay still tried to reason with the young girl, "Come on, you can just give me the knife..."

Lisa seemed to calm down, "You're right..." Her look then turned deranged again, "I can GIVE you the knife!" She came running towards Kay, ready to stab her when Cam suddenly pushed out of the way, almost as if it was instinct.

Lisa ended up stabbing Cam on his left side."Cameron!" Kay shouted running to his side. That's when Mike and the others arrived.

Mike handcuffed Lisa, giving her the usual speech then turned to Kay, "Don't worry guys. The ambulance will be here soon"

Kay had placed Cam's head in her lap, not wanting to move him too much, "Just hold on Cam, we'll get you help soon." She brushed his fringe out of his face.

"As long as you're okay, I'll be fine." He said lifting his hand from his side to take hers. Kay gripped his hand, not caring about the blood, "Kay, if I make it out of this-"

"When you make it out of this..."

Cameron gave a pained smile, "There's something important I need to tell you..."

Cam's eyes fluttered closed sending Kay into a slight panic, "Cameron? Cameron? Cam? Come on Cam, after everything you've been through, this is not how you're going out. Not when I haven't told you...." When he didn't respond, all Kay could even whisper was his name one last time before the paramedics took him away.

She continued to pat his forehead with the towel when she stopped and placed a hand on his bruised cheek. When Cam couldn't make eye contact with her, he placed his hand on hers that was on his cheek, "Kay?"

"You could've gotten yourself killed Cam..."

"But I didn't..." He smiled sheepishly.

Kay finally made eye contact with him, "You almost did... Cam, you were bleeding a lot... it scared me."

"But you're scary all the time..." Cameron smirked playfully.

Kay shook her head and smiled, "This was different you idiot."

Cameron continued to play dumb by raising an eyebrow, "How so?"

Kay looked him in the eyes for a moment before taking a deep breath, "Because I love you dummy." Cameron breath hitched which made Kay nervous, "But we can just pretend that-" She was cut off by Cameron taking her face in his hands and gave her a deep kiss.

The kissing continued for a few minutes until Cameron tried to sit up and felt pain in his side, "Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow. Okay, that might not have been the best idea right now."

Kay gently placed a hand on his injured side, "Are you okay? Do I need to get the doctor?"

"Oh no, no." He said taking her hand in his, "I'm just... just upset that you beat me to the punch."

Kay let out a slight laugh, "What? Beat you to the punch?"

Cameron nodded, "Yes, of course." He took their intertwined hands and placed them over his heart, "I love you Kay Daniels... so much that it's kinda crazy."

Kay gave a chuckle, "Cameron..."

"I'm serious! You should run while you still have the chance." He joked.

Kay smiled as she went over to the other side of the bed and lay down next to his good side, "Well, good thing I don't plan on going anywhere anytime soon"

Cameron placed his arm around her shoulder, pulling her close, "What? No spooning?"

Kay smiled at his goofiness, "Not until you're better little spooner. Later okay?"

Cameron sighed as he rested his cheek on the top of her head, "Alright..." A moment of silence passed, "Okay, it's later now."

"Cam..." Kay warned as she snuggled into him, relieved that she could still do that.

Another moment of silence passed, "Okay, what I was laying on my good side?"

"My arm might press on your wound." Yawned a sleepy Kay.

Cameron then noticed his girlfriend yawning and that's when he noticed the tired bags under her eyes, "Kay... when was the last time you got some rest?"

"About twenty hours ago..." Her eyes drooping shut.

"Have you been waiting up for me?"

"You were out for a couple hours; I wanted to make sure that someone was here when you woke up."

Cam kissed Kay's head before closing his eyes as well, "I love you Kay Daniels."

"Why do you keep saying my name like that?" her voice slowly turning into a whisper.

"I just want to make sure I get to say it as much as I can... Kay."

Cameron could feel her smile against his skin as she whispered, "I love you too Cameron Black."

When Dina walked into Cameron's hospital room the next morning, she wasn't surprised to see Kay there but she was surprised to see the two of them snuggled up together so lovingly. She shook her head and gave a slight chuckle, there really was no separating those two. She would give them their privacy... but not before she took a picture of the sleeping two first to show the team.

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