Ride the Lightning

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Diana raced down the Byer's driveway just in time to see Billy slam Steve Harrington to the ground. She pulled her car right up beside the Camaro and jumped out , barely putting it in park. 

"Billy! Stop!" She screamed as she saw Billy hover over Steve, saying something about him planting his feet. 

Billy barely turned to look at Diana when he spoke. "You shouldnt be here, Red. I told you the date was over" he said annoyed. 

Steve shot Diana a confused look "Date?" He asked. 

Billy proceeded to kick Steve in the stomach then barge toward the house. 

Diana screamed when Billy nailed Steve, she raced over to help him up. 

"Are you ok, Steve oh my god.." She stuttered, trying to help him to his feet. 

"Go! Go inside and try to stop him, hes crazy! Go, ill be alright" he told her as he struggled to catch his breath. She offered him a sympathetic look then raced towards the house. 

Billy ripped open the door to reveal a very afraid looking group of kids behind it. He pursed his lips "Well, well, well. Lucas Sinclair , what a surprise" he spat as he walked towards them. He turned to Max. "I thought i told you to stay away from him, Max" 

"Billy, go away" she almost pleaded. 

"You disobeyed me. And you know what happens when you disobey me.."

"Billy.." Max said , her voice shaking. 

"I break things" he snapped and grabbed Lucas by the jacket, slamming him against a wall. All the kids were screaming at Billy to get off and stop when Diana burst in. She couldnt believe what she was seeing. Billy had Lucas pinned against the wall, the smaller boy visibly afraid. 

"Billy!" She screamed, but he didnt seem to notice.

"Since Maxine wont listen to me maybe you will. You stay away from her. STAY away from her! You hear me?" He yelled. 

Just then Lucas yelled "i said get off of me!" And made a swift kick into Billy's groin. 

Billy doubled over in pain for a second then grunted loudly and stood up "you are so dead, Sinclair! Youre dead" he yelled. 

Diana screamed for Billy again but he didnt respond for a second time. Just then steve busted through the door like some action movie hero. 

"No. You are!" He yelled and punched Billy right in the nose. 

Billy looked at him, laughing sinisterly "looks like you got some fire in you after all, huh? Ive been waiting to meet this King Steve everyones been telling me so much about." He threw his arms out to the sides and looked over at Diana. She refused to cry. She had to stop him, he already made a complete fool of himself. 

"Get out." Steve snapped. 

Just then Billy swung for Steve, steve barely dodged it. Steve got in another good hit while Billy continued to laugh. Billy smashed a plate over Steves head and landed another few good punches. 

Billy grabbed Steve by the front of his shirt "No one tells me what to do" Billy spat then head butted Steve so hard Diana flinched. 

Steve fell to the ground and Billy let out a loud yell of triumph as he walked over to where Steve lay on the floor. Billy got on top of Steve and began pummeling him.  As blood flew out of Steve's nose and mouth Diana felt sick to her stomach. She was watching her boyfriend, the man she loved so dearly, almost kill her childhood friend in front of a group of thirteen year olds. She had to do something. 

She raced over toward Billy, wrapping her arms around his neck, trying to pull him off of Steve. Billy barely turned towards her ,and it all happened in a split second. 

His hard fist collided with her eyesocket so hard she temporarily lost vision. She saw little black dots as she flew backwards onto the floor. She felt something hot dripping out of her nose. She brought her hand up to wipe it away. Bright red. 

Everything seemed to be happening in slow motion, she struggled to stay conscious as the little black dots in her vision began to take over. She heard Max screaming her name but it was muffled. 

She looked over and watched Max jam what appeared to be a syringe into Billy's neck. 

He got off of Steve slowly "What the hell is this? Oh shit what did you do?" He asked and then fell on his back on the floor.  

Billy laughed again as he lay on the floor. Max grabbed a spiked baseball bat and angled it down on him. "From now on you leave me and my friends alone, do you understand?" She snapped. 

"Screw you" he said. 

She swung the bat and landed it right between his legs, less than an inch from his jewels. "I said do you understand!?" She yelled. "Say it. Say it!" 

"I understand" he mumbled just before he too lost consciousness. 

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