Chapter 3: Problems die off

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Sally and Lucy were arguing for hours nonstop. Lucy was winning all arguments Sally was getting upset that Lucy knew her business. Sally was dumb as hell if she thought my baby father wasn't talking to Lucy at all. Like sis, you the reason why they ain't cool at all hello. Lucy posted her exposing from a while ago. This was funny to me, them arguing because I knew that was gonna happen. The group chat was really laughing at Sally because she wanted that to happen. She thought me and Lucy had it out for her, when in reality she the one starting the fuckery or at least egging it on. Lucy and I are both Leo's so we tend to start sometimes but when you keep going we feel like it's no choice but to bomb you. I would never bump heads with another one again we all think alike. Anyway, the argument was very bad and lasted a while. I know why Lucy was upset, because she wasn't even worried about this guy. Sally wanted us to be worried, she wanted us mad. She was upset that it wasn't happening. All that  happened was Lucy bombing my baby father. My baby father loved Lucy and I knew that. Lucy was talking about everything that her and that man went through. How she has a boyfriend and she doesn't care about Sally nor Nevaeh's father. She did have a nigga I knew this before we stopped speaking. She was happy with this boy and he kept her out of trouble. I had that same kind of boyfriend, I remembered. Since I really wasn't awake for the show I ain't know anything that happened after that. All I know is about three hours later there's a tap on my door. I was just about to walk to the store with mommy and Nevaeh. I looked through the peep hole to see who it was and I see her father's clothes with a hat on and his head down. He had on a MCM bad and sweatpants with a pair of 9s. "Hey, you came today? That's surprising." He had a purple gift bag for Nevaeh. He didn't speak to me, he gave me the bag and asked me where I was going. So I took off Nevaeh's coat and took her out the stroller. "I was taking her with me to the store but since your have I don't have to anymore." He picked her up and I told her "Nevaeh stay with daddy for a little mommy going to the store." As I left out the door my mother asked "Did you check what was in the bag?" "It looks like clothes I didn't get to really look, I'm just wondering why he started popping up again." Maybe Sally told him to come or his mom one of them. My baby father is more of a street nigga, not a family nigga. It was weird to see him come here for the first time in months. After our store run we finally went back to the house. When we walked in his MCM bag was on the floor and him and vaeh were missing. I walked to my room and found them two sitting on my floor watching wonder pets together. Yeah when he tried he was always watching something with her or singing songs from Dora with her. Nevaeh knows her dad and that's all I wanted as long she knew he existed that was my job. I smiled and left out the room I let him spend quality time with his child. An hour later he came to the living room saying "you looked at the clothes?" "Not yet. I'm gonna do it now." He picked up his bag and put it on his back and told me he'll be back which again he lied. Since he left and how I got my space I took the purple gift bag and read the tag: To vaeh from daddy. He's just a working progress. I pulled out three outfits, shirts and jeans. Everything was the right size. He did right, I thought he wouldn't even buy her anything because he never did. Until I got that phone call. My phone rings and it's his mother. "Hey baby he dropped off the stuff?" Wow just wow so you was supposed to drop off the stuff for your mom? Basic trick I didn't care all of them acknowledged my child I can't lie about that. They loved Nevaeh but it was her father's job to keep her around his family. Most of them dislike me so I can't do that myself. I don't like being in uncomfortable situations. It was his fault he kept telling people I hated him knowing damn well he hated me and that's why he wasn't around. One no female gonna let a man who constantly disrespect them around her and her child no matter what. You put that on yourself when you questioned your paternity. That was disrespectful. So I guess when he finally got home he wrote me on snap and told me "you know I wasn't serious about that I'm sorry though." Like what my nigga. From that day forward I did not pay that man no more attention. I didn't want to be his friend at all he didn't understand, like you tried to style on me. Even tried to style on your kid come on now. Sally had this man drawn out doing stupid things. Nothing he did made sense to me at least tell the truth. He told nothing but lies hey who cares what they think I was still fighting demons. I was and it didn't  have anything to do with him, he just wanted to be recognized for the shit that he done in the past. I had a lot of learning to do, getting over somebody you fell in love with by a mistake, well it wasn't a mistake. I felt like I was tricked. Guys will do anything to get what they want. That's sad but I was in my own world my own place still trying to heal from pain. That night I shook my head I didn't even care about his little live at the moment that was months ago I'm doing way better than before and healing is going well for me. I didn't need negative energetic around me at all not from Sally and definitely not from him. I'm working now and I'm a couple a of months away from my diploma. I used to cut my life away and always attended every gym period. So now I have to face those consequences but I've always been very level headed in school. Although, most people show no faith in me I put faith in myself to do it. Now of course My first & my second family is putting all their faith in me as it is. I just push myself everyone knows I got it in me. Stupid is one tree I wont climb up. I'll never be considered stupid. My baby father thought that me and Lucy ain't have better things to worry about. I'm just stating somethings that I feel are more important then him. One night while walking to the store I'm not gonna say who told me because they made a joke out of it which was corny. Loyalty don't run deep at all for certain people. I guess something happened to Lucy that day. The two sources I seen at the store that night said "You seen Lucy you know your baby father attacked her?" This is not the way that situation was addressed but to keep at peace we're gonna state it that way. The fact that I'm not going into detail because I don't know how she would feel about it. That's very uncomfortable to speak about. I replied to both of them and said "I don't know what you guys are talking about and I don't care." Later on, the situation still popping up everybody talking about this attack on Facebook comments, Snapchat and in the group chat. So I decided to see what's going on for myself, I unblocked Lucy. My baby father attacked her because of Sally. I was so disgusted every post she put up I understood so I reacted. I know how he got so I ain't find it funny nor cute. Sally really tried it with this one I don't care if she didn't do it it was her fault.

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