Chapter 9

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Harry's enjoying looking at Zayn's work.

He's very talented. Every page of his work has a concept and Harry really appreciates concept art. After Watching all Zayn's work from the folder, Harry gave it to Zayn "I love your works Zayn, you're so talented. You could put up your own art gallery" Harry grinned as Zayn blushed "Wow Harry, thanks" Harry pinched Zayn's cheek, he is just so cute.

Harry then look at Zayn's room "What's that one?" Harry stood and approached the canvas "Uh, that's just for my internship, I don't know, I couldn't finish it" Zayn said as Harry examined the unfinished painting. Harry can't seem to see what's the painting saying. Harry could only see plain colors "I don't know what's your concept here but, all I see are just plain colors?" Harry said as Zayn stood and settled next to Harry "I was thinking dreams? Doesn't seem like a dream?" Zayn asked a Harry put his fingers on his chin, thinking like a critic "According to what I see Mr Malik, its just plain colors" Harry teased as Zayn laughed as he then tickled Harry's side "Stop!" Harry said but Zayn keeps on tickling him "Zayn! Stop!" Harry chuckled as he tried to run away but Zayn grabbed him by his arm and spun Harry around and that caused Harry to out balanced dragging Zayn with him falling down.

Zayn then put his hand at the back of Harry's head, supporting his head from the crash. They both fell on the floor "Oh god, Harry? Are you alright?" Zayn asked with a concerned face. He looked at Harry as he was laughing, and that made Zayn laugh too "Seriously, we've fallen down but you're laughing? Does your back hurts?" Zayn asked as Harry shook his head as he chuckled "No, I'm alright" Harry replied as Harry stared at Zayn hazel orbs. Harry put his hand on Zayn's cheek, running his fingers on Zayn's cheek gently "You're so beautiful Zayn" Harry whispered as Zayn's heart palpitated.

Harry then propped his elbows as he leaned up to Zayn and captured his lips.

Harry hopes that they can stay like this forever.


Niall is waiting at the cafe.

As usual, a guy like Louis is late. He looked at his phone to check the time and it's already close 9pm. Niall sighed, he was about to leave when Louis entered the cafe "Sorry!" Louis said as he ran towards Niall.

Niall rolled his eyes "And I think you have a good reason why you're late?" Niall said, crossing his arms on his chest. Louis grinned "Talked to some girls my way over here. I'm lucky tho, I got the blonde's number" Louis bragged as Niall scoffed "Random hook ups are dangerous" Niall said as Louis chuckled "It never got me in trouble before" Louis playfully wiggled his eyebrows as Niall shook his head.

They've talked about where to start looking for Harry.

As Niall was discussing, Louis interrupted "Oh yeah!" Louis snapped his fingers "My Friend, Zayn, he has a date tonight" Louis said as Niall looked at him with poker face "And should I care because?"

"Because, his dates' last name is Horan" Louis smiled "So?" Niall asked "His name was, Gary, no, Larry—wait, that doesn't sound right—" Louis guessed as Niall went back to his map, ignoring Louis' rambling "Oooh! Harry! Yes, that's his name, Harry Horan" Louis said as Niall's heart pounded, could it be that it's Harry? Prince Harry?

"What does this Harry Horan looked like?" Niall asked as Louis shrugged "I hadn't meet him yet" Louis said as Niall stared at the map, think Niall, think! He then looked at Louis "Uhm, is it possible that I, I mean, We can meet him together? This Harry Horan?" Niall asked as Louis thought for a moment "Oh yeah sure, I could just tell my roomie. I know, he likes to show off his date" Louis smiled as he fetched his phone and began texting Zayn.

Niall Hopes that this Harry Horan is Prince Harry.

Back at the dorm room, Zayn received Louis text "Who's that?" Harry asked as Zayn opened the message "It's my roommate, Louis, he asked if we can have a double date?" Zayn read as he looked at Harry "So Louis has a girlfriend?" Harry asked as Zayn scratched his head "That's unusual since Louis don't do dates, he only settles for one night stands" Zayn explained "So, is it okay with you?" Zayn asked Harry.

Harry stared at him for a while and gave out a toothy smile "Sure, as long as I'm with you. You could take me anywhere" Harry leaned his head on Zayn's shoulder as Zayn blushed, oh man, he's falling fast for this guy "Okay, we're all set. I told Louis that he'll set—up a date" Zayn said as Harry nodded. After a minute, Zayn's phone sounded. He opened the text message "Whoa! He said now" Zayn read as Harry's eyes widened and he looked at Zayn "Wow, well, okay. I'm down if you are" Harry said as Zayn nodded "Sure"

Zayn and Harry went to the cafe where Louis and Niall are.

Niall is fidgeting with the table napkin, he's nervous and excited. Maybe this Harry Horan is Prince Harry. After how many days of searching, he will finally see Prince Harry.

And for Harry, he doesn't have a clue about meeting Niall "Why are you so nervous?" Louis asked Niall as Niall stared at him "I am not" Niall said as Louis chuckled "You are. You see, if you're not nervous, you'll not be killing that table napkin" Louis pointed Niall's hands. Niall then put the napkin down "And your eyebrows are knitted together, looks like you're worried about something" Louis added as Niall wanted to look at his eyebrows. Louis is right, he is nervous. But how did Louis know that? "Told you, I'm pretty good at judging people base on their facial expressions" Louis winked as Niall's heart thumped, what was that?!

After how many minutes of waiting, finally, Zayn and Harry arrived!

As the door opened, Niall's heart beat fast and alas! A curly haired guy with green eyes went inside the cafe.

There he is! Prince Harry!

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