Chapter 10

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Harry was all joy having to spend his whole night with Zayn.

They'd kiss, a little touching and flirting and Harry can't deny that he's falling for Zayn—fast! Is it crazy? That you've met this person days ago, had first date and fell inlove? That's what Harry feels. Its like, he'd known Zayn forever. Zayn showed his world but Harry hadn't shared anything with Zayn, except of course, their kiss and hand touching.

They entered the cafe, fingers laced together "There he is!" It's Louis and he's noisy as usual "Hey buddy" Zayn said as they gave out a fist bump.

As for Harry, he's heart stopped beating for a minute when he saw Louis' companion. Those blue eyes and blonde hair. Harry swallowed his thick saliva "You must be Harry, I'm Louis" Louis said as he offered his hand to shake but Harry didn't even looked at Louis. Harry's grip on Zayn's hand got tightened as Zayn was worried "Are you okay?" Zayn whispered as Harry gulped "I'm a—excuse me" Harry said as he let go of Zayn's hand. Harry ran towards the comfort room.

Niall stood "Excuse me" he said as he followed Harry. Both Louis and Zayn stared at each other as Louis shrugged.

Niall opened the comfort room. And there he is, Prince Harry.

Niall went inside and close the door, even locked it.

"Sire, what are you doing?" Niall asked as Harry stared at him with wide eyes "What are you doing here Niall?" Harry asked "The Queen asked me to look for you" Niall answered "I've been looking for you for days now. The King and Queen are worried about you, and thank heavens, you're not yet dead" Niall said "How did you end up with Zayn's roommate?" Harry's frustrated, everything was going so well "We just met recently, and thanks to him, I've found you! We got to go back to the castle now" Niall said as Harry shake his head "No! I'm not going back there to be lock up again" Harry raised his voice "Or you're staying here because you've met someone—a guy?" Harry looked at Niall, he's speechless "You're supposed to marry a princess, Prince Harry. Not a prince" Niall said "If you feel love, it doesn't matter if its a prince, or a princess" Harry sternly said "You've fallen inlove?" Niall is shocked, Prince Harry is inlove!

It would be a big celebration but, he fell inlove with a guy. Harry sighed "I'm not going back at the castle Niall, at least, not yet" Harry said "You know what will happen if your father will know about this, yes?"

"Don't let him know then" Harry said "I can't. It's my duty to bring you back. And if you will not go back, I will be forced to alert the King that you're here and your friend, will be in big trouble if you resist to go back" Niall explained as Harry bit his bottom lip. He'll not let that happened to Zayn.

He shouldn't ruined Zayn's life now. It's unfair to Zayn that he didn't know that Harry is a prince yet, he'll be in trouble because of him.

Harry took a deep breath—and inhaled, exhaled "Fine. I'll go back" Harry decided.

After Niall and Harry's heated conversation, they went back to their table.

Zayn was worried though, Louis' friend and Harry took a while at the comfort room. As Harry sat next to Zayn, Zayn immediately held Harry's hand "Are you okay?" Zayn whispered as Harry looked at him and sadly smiled "Yes" he said.

"Now that we're all here, guys! This is Niall Horan, just met him recently" Louis introduced as Niall smiled "This is Harry, my uh—" Zayn paused, yeah, they hadn't defined their relationship yet "—uh my uh—"

"My boyfriend" Harry piped in as the three men looked at Harry with wide eyes, and yes, that includes Zayn. Niall's jaw dropped, what is he doing?! He'll be leaving Zayn but now, he made him his Boyfriend?! Zayn was of course Happy. Harry just called him his boyfriend. His heart is so happy that he wanted to Kiss Harry right there "Well, I'm one happy friend here" Louis said as he raised his cup of coffee "To Zayn and Harry, newly boyfriends" Louis cheered as Zayn gave out a full smile.

Zayn can't believed it! He has now a boyfriend. He really likes Harry, so much that he wanted to be with him, for eternity. Zayn knows that they'd just met days ago but, their connection is there. Its like they've been connected ever since. And he just can't stop staring at his boyfriend. Zayn sighed, the feeling of being inlove is such a nice feeling.

"We should all go to this water shower party, it will be nice" Louis said. Niall and Harry are quiet though. They've also been avoiding eye contact to each other "Hey Nialler, what do you think?" Louis asked as he elbowed Niall. Niall blinked "What?" He asked as Louis chuckled "About this water shower party? You're coming right? We could have a day off searching for your missing person" Louis said as Zayn raised his brows "Oh yeah, you're looking for someone right? Who is it?" Zayn asked as Harry stared wide eyes at Niall "Oh yeah I wanna know too. All you told me is that this guy is your friend" Louis barged in.

Niall cleared his throat "He is my friend. Very close to me" Niall said, looking at Harry "Wow, people are missing now a days, the prince is missing too right?" Louis said as Harry's heart pounded "Oh hey!" Louis chuckled "The news said that he has curly hair and green eyes, like Harry's" Louis snapped his fingers "Why don't we take you to the people who are searching for the prince? Maybe they'll buy it and let Harry be the prince" Louis teased as Harry's heart is about to burst "You can't do that Louis" Zayn interjected "Harry's mine, no one can have him" Zayn smiled sweetly at Harry as Harry's heart melted, if he could let Zayn take him, he will.

"So are you two serious?" Niall asked out of the blue as Louis looked at Zayn and Harry "Yes. We. Are. Serious" Harry said, with a serious expression and a little warning to Niall to back off. Niall shook his head, Harry doesn't know what he's doing.

After meeting each other, Zayn took Harry back to the Inn.

They're walking hand in hand, enjoying the night.

But looks like, Zayn is the only one enjoying the night. Zayn looked at Harry who has this worried expression "What's wrong?" Zayn asked as Harry looked at him "Nothing" Harry said. He's outside appearance so calm but his insides are panicking. Harry told Niall that he'll go back home tomorrow. He'd promised but Harry just declared that Zayn and him are in a relationship, now its all messed up. Harry wasn't thinking straight. All he know is that, he wanted to feel Zayn as his boyfriend. And seeing Zayn's smile when he said that they're boyfriends, his heart was so happy.

Zayn is happy and that's all that matters.

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