The Engagement Tragedy

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Saawari's POV
( I was irritated listening to all this stupid guests conversations who think that they have come here  to attend Karan's engagement with that lizard Naina .. stupid people ..... And what that Sandhya is doing , I will definitely kill her if today she fails in her plan...) (With that I went near her )
Saawari: hey Sandhya !! What are you doing Haan!!!  You  promised to make me  that today you will make me engaged to Karan today and what are you doing.... If  today you don't do anything I will definitely telll your secret to everyone...
Sandhya: please don't do anything !! I have a great plan ... Today only you will get engaged to karan...
Saawari:   what is your plan??
Sandhya:  ( whispering ) see !! All the guests are thinking that today is Karan and Naina 's engagement so I  will go to NK  bhaisab  and convince him to get them engaged along with Kunal and Meghna , but as the time will come to exchange rings , I will switch off the lights and you will go and change your position secretly and in the darkness Karan will get confuse and he will make you wear the ring...... And then I will create little drama in the atmosphere and say that now if the engagement is done then nothing can happen... And eventually you will get engaged to karan instead of naina....
Saawari: are you sure this plan will work ??
Sandhya : yes!!
Sandhya 's POV
( Now I just have to make bhaisab agree to I planned what I would say to him to convince him and I went near him )
Sandhya :  bhaisab I was thinking that why don't you make  Karan engaged to Naina.....
NK :  what !!!! This is not possible ...I don't want anathor Bundi  girl at my house....
Sandhya:  think about it bhaisab !!! If you make two Bundi girls your daughter in law it will help you to expand your business in Bundi ..... And also Naina is a modern girl ... Not like Meghna...... Naina can easily get with the standards of our family...... And moreover she is Karan's best friend and takes so good care of him ...
And maybe with this Karan will also start to obey you and help you in business......
NK :  hmmm !!! I think you are right .... This will help us a lot in expanding our business in Bundi.... So call everyone in my room...... quickly and what about their rings....
Sandhya: don't worry I have arranged everything.......
( NK's room )
( All the family members and close relatives were present...)
Dadu :  NK !! Why you have called this meeting right now...
NK :  I have taken a decision .... And I want all to agree to it without any questions.....
I have decided that Karan and Naina to get engaged today along with Meghna and Kunal.....
Sharda :  what !!!??!!! This cannot happen.....
Nirmala : yes !! How can they get engaged....???
NK :  I don't want to hear anything ..
If they don't get engaged today I will cancel Kunal and Meghna's wedding right now...
Dadu:  what is this NK.... What are you saying... You are doing wrong...
Meghnal: yes !!!! Karan and Naina will not get engaged today....
NK :   ( facing everyone ) the decision is yours !!! Let Karan and Naina get engaged today or else I will cancel Kunal and Meghna's wedding right now !!! I am giving 15 minutes to decide ...   !!! (And with this NK left the room and dadaji also went with him trying to stop him....)
( Only  Nairan , Meghnal , Sharda , Nirmala and Sandhya were left in the room)
Kunal :  how can dad take such decision .... ??? Karan and naina are not ready for all this right now.....
Meghna :  yes ... You will not do this for us ...
Sharda:  ya !! Karan and Naina are very small right now .... How they will take such responsibility....
Nirmala :  you're right !!! They have not completed college also .... They are still not that matured to take such big responsibility.......
Meghnal : we are going to talk to dad!!! ( So they went out )
(All this time nairan were just numb and were just sitting on the couch not knowing what to do )
Sharda:  for one daughter's happiness I  cannot compromise the happiness of other....
Nirmala:   yes  !!! We cannot let this happen ....
( Then nairan suddenly looked at each other and held each others hand and spoke...)
Nairan:  we are ready for this engagement....
Sharda :  ( she cups nairan's faces in her hand and spoke ) no beta !!! We know you are worried for your siblings but you don't have to do this... You are very small right now for all this ... Don't worry we will make him understand...
Sandhya :  no Sharda ji!!! Bhaisab will not change his decision... If he says something .... He never listens to anyone then...
Nirmala: but Sandhya !!! We cannot just sit like this right...
Sandhya : Nirmala it's just engagement..... They are not getting married right now .... So what's the problem .... And this was going to happen in few years so why not now...
Sharda:  but  still  .... This is not the time...
Karan :  maa !!! Masimaa is right ... We have to do this!!! Because....
Nirmala :  because what Karan....??
Naina :  maa because  di and Jiju have already intimated with each other ...
They have already gone very far in their relationship.......
Nirmala and Sharda : ( shocked ) what !!
Karan : this is the truth !!! We have to do this for them...
Sharda :  Meghna and Kunal are really lucky to get siblings like you!!!
Nirmala :  hmmm!! So let's go out now.... ( So everyone came out of the room agreeing to Nairan's decision ) ( and Sandhya was happy that her plan was working......)
( Outside the room dadu and Meghnal were trying to convince NK to change his decision when suddenly they saw nairan coming with Sharda and Nirmala.... )
NK :  ohhhh they are here !!! So what have you decided......
Nairan :  we are ready for this engagement papa..
NK : good !! So lets go....
Meghnal : no !! Guys you are not doing this for us !!
Sharda :  no !!! Meghna Kunal don't stop them ....
Meghnal :  but maa...
Nirmala:  we don't want to hear anything... We have taken this decision thoughtfully.... So don't stop them...
( So NK went and announced this to the guests and  then both the couples went to the stage.... Here , Sandhya told Pushpa to go and off the main switch , so that the lights go off )
( So Meghnal exchanged the rings and everyone clapped when suddenly Sandhya signals Pushpa to switch off the lights) ( the whole house becomes dark and Sandhya says saawari to go and stand beside naina )
Sandhya :  Karan !! Put the ring ... I don't think lights will come so soon....
( So saawari forwards her hand and Karan was going to put the ring in her hand when suddenly Naina hugs Karan tightly.....) ( And saawari gets shocked seeing Naina 's move )
Naina :  Kara... Karan.... ( She hugs him because she was scared of darkness )
Karan :  yes Naina !!! I am here only !!! Don't worry ... ( Karan hugged Naina back and kissed her temple )
Meghna :  cheeku !! You're still scared of darkness... Wait.... ( She switched on  her mobile torch and then everyone saw saawari standing in front of nairan )
Meghna : saawari why are you standing there..... ??
Kunal : yes saawari what happened ..??..
Saawari :  (  making an excuse )  nothing  just wanted to see the ceremony closely...
Kunal : ohhhh !!! ( So,  Meghna and Naina found her excuse little weird but didn't say anything ) ( then saawari went from there in anger and Sandhya went behind her )
( After 2-3 minutes lights came but Naina was still hugging Karan )
Kunal:  (  coughs fakinginly ) Naina if you are done romancing with Karan then please exchange the rings ... We can't wait the whole night  naa....
( So Naina blushes and leaves Karan and everyone laughs and then nairan finally exchanged their rings and everyone claps )
Khyati : so now it's time for dance guys !!
( So everyone goes to the dance floor and dance to various songs )
Shiva's POV
( I think now it's time to execute my plan ... everyones busy dancing.... So I can take Naina from here secretly ... No one will watch  me .....)
( So as the whole family was dancing suddenly Naina feels thirsty and she goes towards the kitchen to have water when shiva puts chloroform in naina's mouth from behind and takes her to the store room of the house secretly ).....
So , that's for today ....
What will shiva do to Naina and will Karan be able to save Naina.... What will saawari do next.....
Stay tuned to know what will happen next......
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Loads of love ❤️❤️

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