Shiva's Disgusting Motive

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Everyone were dancing.... When Karan suddenly saw Naina was not there ... So he came out of the dancing area and was looking for her here and there when suddenly someone tapped his shoulder .....
And it was none other than Meghna and kunal who were standing behind him.....
Meghna : karan !! What are you doing here.... come and dance...
Karan : bhabhi did you saw Naina somewhere... ??
Meghna: no karan !! But she must be some where here only... Don't worry.....
Karan :. No !! I searched her here and there but she was nowhere....
Meghna : so where has she gone !??! ( She asked being tensed )
Kunal : hey guys don't worry !! We will search her again okay ... ( So they went in different directions to search her ....)
On the other side :
(Naina's hands and legs were tied .....
And she was lying on the floor tied in a dark place....
After sometime she gained consciousness and looked at her surroundings feeling week and saw a man standing in front of her wearing black hoodie and a mask was covering his face.....) ( He was Shiva )

Shiva : finally you are awake baby !! ( He traced his fingers on naina's face and laughed wickedly )
Naina : who .... Who are you ..? Why you have brought me here... What I have done to you....?? ( She asked being tensed and scared )
Shiva : hey don't ask so many questions babe..... I am just your secret lover .... And I will make you mine..... At any cost...
Naina : please stay away from bloody fool...
Shiva : baby don't get angry..... I will give you anything you wish..... Just leave that stupid karan .... And become mine.....
Naina : don't dare take my karan' s name from your mouth..... You think I will marry a bloody moron , idiot like you... Leaving my karan..... Don't think about it... And ..... If he got to know about you .... He will kill you here itself..... Do you understand.....
( Now Shiva got highly tempered with this and spoke... Angrily....)
Shiva : so you will not listen like this .... So now I will make you mine right now....
( So he was coming closer and closer to Naina... And she was moving back... Till she hit the wall behind her....)
On the other hand :

(Meghnal were searching Naina inside the house and karan in the garden and all ..... When suddenly he saw something fallen near the store room of the out house...... And picked it up...)
Karan : This... This is naina's earring ... But why is it fallen here..???
( Here Shiva grabbed naina's arms tightly and snuggled his face in her shoulder.....)
Naina : ( while crying ) please leave me... Kar.. karan ....( She was feeling disgusting with his touches and was just murmuring karan's name....)
( Shiva came more closer to her and grabbed naina's arms more tightly..., Tores up Naina 's dupatta ...)
( Naina was feeling disgusted and exposed and she was trying hard to come out from his grip and in that process some boxes and sticks falls down and one stick hits on naina's forehead and it's starts bleeding from her head and she faints .....)
( A loud noise occurs because of the boxes and sticks and karan gets shocked )
Karan : what was this noise .... Is Naina inside the outhouse.... I should go and check.... ( So karan goes inside and there Shiva hears the sound of footsteps.....)
Shiva:. Someone is coming here ... I have to go.... ( So he leaves Naina there only and jumps from the window and goes inside the  house cleaning himself secretly so that no one doubts about him...)
( Here karan was calling naina's name and looking around for her )
Karan : Naina ..... Naina ... Are you here.... !?! (When suddenly he sees the store room door half open and enters the room... And suddenly sees Naina lying there in a vulnerable condition.....)
Karan : Nain... Naina what happened to you... Open your eyes Naina..... ( He runs up to her and Pat's Naina's cheek... But she was not responding anything...)
( Then suddenly his eyes falls on naina's tored dress and her tied legs and hands ...)
Karan : I will not let you happen anything.... and who ever has done this to my Naina.... I will make his/ her life so miserable ... Which he/she will remember till eternity....
( So he quickly opens up Naina from the ropes she was tied and covers her with his sherwani 's coat and picks her in his arms.... And takes her to the house...)
( As he enters the house all runs towards nairan and asks so many questions to karan .....)
Karan : please guys !! I will tell you everything afterwards .... First Naina needs immediate treatment .... Kunal Bhai please call a doctor quickly......
( By saying this karan takes up Naina in his room and all family members follow him behind ....)
( Soon the doctor comes and bandages Naina's wounds and then speaks up.....)
Doctor : I think someone has tried molesting her physically.... And I think some heavy object has fallen on her head ..... So , for now please don't ask her anything .... And don't stress her..... She needs rest.... And I have given some medicines ..... Please feed her that in time....
Karan : thanks doctor !!
( So kunal shows the way out to doctor and rest went to their room ... Only sharda , nirmala , meghna and karan were present ...)
( Karan was sitting beside Naina holding her hand when meghna spoke)
Meghna : I will stay here with cheeku.... ( When Naina was calling karan 's name in her unconscious state )
Sharda : no meghna !! I think cheeku needs karan with her right now .... See she is murmuring his name in her sleep also... Let him be here ... We will talk to her in the morning okay.....
Meghna : okay...
Nirmala : karan take care of her !!
Karan : don't worry maa !! I am here with her ....
( So now all went out of the room and only nairan were present )
After half an hour : ( In Nairan's room )
( Naina slowly opened her eyes gaining consciousness and looked at karan trying to sit up )
Karan : Naina , why are you waking up .. you need rest right now....
( When suddenly Naina sat up and hugged karan tightly and her eyes filled with tears and then she was weeping in his arms )
( Karan knew what Naina had been through so he let her cry for sometime and caressed her hairs )
After few minutes -
( Naina broke the hug and then narrated whatever was happened with her sobbing slightly and then after listening to her karan wiped out her tears gently and spoke )
Karan : ...... Shhhhsshh... Naina now stop crying ... Now I know everything... And I will make sure to make that person rot in hell !!! You just relax.....
( So, Karan helped Naina changing up, and then fed her dinner and medicines and made her sleep.....and slept hugging her ....)
Karan : ( in mind : now I am your fiancée Naina .... You are my responsibility from today... And I will not let you happen anything .....)
At midnight 3:00 a.m

(Naina sees a nightmare where she sees that , the mask person stabs Karan with a knife... and Karan falls on naina's lap....)
( So , as she sees this she sits up on the  bed abruptly shouting karan's name....)
Naina : Karannnnnnn......
( Karan wakes up with Naina's scream and looked at Naina who was pale....)
Karan : what.. what happened Naina..??
Naina : ( by holding karan's hands in hers ) ( and she was scared ) Karan... I saw a nightmare... Where in that mask person stabbed you and you fell in my lap lifelessly.......
Karan : that was just a nightmare dear.. see I am completely fine...
Naina : bu.... But if....
Karan: nothing will happen to me nor you ok so just relax princess.... ( He gave a peck on her lips , cheeks , and then her forehead... And then made both of  them lay down back.... )
Karan : just relax yourself... And sleep okay....
Naina : ok ... ( They both hugged each other and Karan covered them with a blanket... feeling peace in each other embrace...)
Finally one more chapter completed... Do vote and comment
Stay tuned to know what's going to happen next...
Love ya ☺️❤️

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