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Ara examined her, eyes full of worry when she stared back at Jimin

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Ara examined her, eyes full of worry when she stared back at Jimin.

"I got a call... they said my daughter was sick, that she w-was here-"

Her voice was cut off by Jimin's annoyed sigh. "Oh? And you came running over?"

"I was... scared," Ara wanted to leave them be, even though she wanted to be there for him, she knew it was not her place to stay. She silently bowed to them both before turning and walking to the bathroom. Jimin faced her, his mouth opening and then closing, understanding that she must have found it awkward to stay, even though he wanted her to.

"Seolhyun, you mean nothing to us, you aren't a part of our lives anymore-" his voice was cut off by her sniffles, and he looked into her eyes to see them red and glistening with tears. "Seolhyu- why are yo-" his heart ached. To see the woman he used to love so dearly, crying, because of him.

"I got scared, Jimin, I thought something bad happened to her."

He sighed, trying to hold back his anger and frustration, "She's okay, Seolhyun," his teeth were grit, hands balled into fists and his blood boiling. But he tried his best to hide it, knowing it wouldn't be of help to anyone in this situation.

"Is she? Is she really?" her eyes lit up in hope, and he didn't know what to think, or say.

"Yeah," he tried to remember what Ara was telling him before, "She just needs to rest, the doctors will take care of her and she'll be okay."

She heaved a sigh of relief, "Okay, good, I'm glad. Can I... talk to her? When she wakes up? She doesn't have to kno-"

"Seolhyun," he cut her off, "You walked away. I gave you that choice to stay, to look after our daughter with me, and you walked away. You made that decision, and I'm making mine now, I didn't want our daughter to have to feel abandoned, in the first place, by one of the people who should love her the most. And then meeting that person... " Jimin's voice trailed off, as he shook his head.

"Y-You're right, I'm sorry Jimin, I-" her eyes scanned to the window of Eunji's room, which made Jimin flinch. "I was just-"

"Scared," he nodded, "I got it. Thank you. Thank you for worrying, you can go now."

"O-Okay," her footsteps were slow, walking away from him, "I'll, uh, see you later."

And with that, she was gone.

He shook his body, trying to get into a good mood before walking into Eunji's room.

"Hi sweetheart," his face lit up when he saw his daughter smiling up at him.

"Hi daddy!" any worry Jimin had instantly vanished. "How was your day!"

"Better now that I'm with you," he grinned, sitting in the stool next to the bed.

She narrowed her eyes at him, "You're too cheesy, dad."

He chuckled, however it stopped when she smiled too and flipped her hair over her shoulder. The sight of her curls bouncing up and down surprisingly brought tears to his eyes. Was it selfish to want to hide her from her mother? Was he mistaking it and thinking he was protecting her, when he was really hurting her more?

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