Chapter 12

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A/N's note:
I am skipping the rest of the tour. You know already what's going to happen there so this story is coming to an end. Love you all and thanks for voting and reading❤️ Please check out my other story/stories

Connor's POV:
We all were awake but we didn't get up from bed.
Lydia: I can't believe the tour is over
James: neither do I
Sophie: I will miss you all
Connor: we will miss you too
Lydia: hey? What about me?
Connor: we will miss you too weirdo
Lydia: oh thank you C *she rolled her eyes*

Sophie's POV:
Sophie: well it's time to get up. Everyone *I looks at them all*
I was on my way out of bed when i felt Brad pushing me back and in for a cuddle.
Brad: don't go *he whine*
Tristan: don't be a baby Brad *he laugh*
Brad: I am not *he whine*
Sophie: we can cuddle for a minute
Brad: no, longer *he whine*
Sophie: you can choose between cuddling for a minute or no cuddling
Brad: cuddling for a minute, but you will regret this *he smirk*
Sophie: I think I will be good
After a minute, everyone was up and ate breakfast before going to the airport.
Unknown number: you didn't stay away from Brad as I said you should do! I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!
Tears started to stream down my face.
Lydia: hey? Don't cry. What is it?
I gave Lydia my phone with the message.
Lydia: what the fuck?! *she say shocked*
All the boys looked at Lydia, the me. I ran to the bathroom. The boys looked at Lydia confused.
Brad: are Soph okay?
Lydia gave Brad and the other boys the phone so they could see the message. After reading it, Brad had watery eyes.
Lydia: Brad? Don't cry, okay?
Brad: this is all my fault
Lydia: no, no it's not
James: we need to tell Joe this
Lydia: I can find him. Brad try to calm soph down
Brad: yeah I will
Brad wiped away the tears.

Lydia's POV:
I ran around to find Joe and suddenly I saw him.
Lydia: JOE! JOE!
He turned around to face me. I had a worried face.
Joe: Lydia? Are everything okay? *he ask serious*
Lydia: no, it's Sophie
Joe: are soph okay?
I gave him the phone.
Joe: do you know who this is?
Lydia: no
Joe: where is the boys?
Lydia: in the bus
Joe: I will find two security guards
Lydia: okay
Joe: go back
Lydia: are you sure
Joe: yes
I walked back to the bus and found the boys on the couch but Brad wasn't there.
Lydia: where is Brad?
Tristan: in bed with Sophie
Lydia: oh okay
James held his arms open to me and I sat down in this arms.
Joe came inside the bus with two security guards.
Joe: I need everyone here now
Tristan: Brad! Sophie!
Brad: Yes?
Joe: come here. It's important
Brad: we're coming
Brad and Sophie came hand in hand. They sat down and saw Joe with a worried face.
Joe: these two guards will be by your side all the time. Mostly with Brad and Sophie
James: okay
After 10 minutes we drove to the airport.

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