Chapter 5

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Ri Hyo's P.O.V.

I rolled my eyes at the two idiots in front of me before taking the to-go cup from Yoongi.

"Wonho, this is Yoongi. He's a guy I met recently. Yoongi, this is Wonho, his my childhood friend," I pointed them out to each other and they nodded. Yoongi took the to-go cup away from me making me pout.

"But Oppa!" I whined and his eyes widened before giving the cup back to me, "I-It was yours anyway. Go to class!"

I nodded and waved at the two boys before rushing to get to class on time.

Yoongi's P.O.V.

I cleared my throat and turned towards Wonho.

"It was nice meeting you," He said and I nodded, "You too."

I decided to head to the studio a little early. I walked in and it was dark. What the fuck? I turned the lights on and looked at everyone.

"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Suga! Happy birthday to you!"

Jin hyung walked over to me while holding a cake, "Blow out the candles you ungrateful child."

I let out a little laugh before blowing the candles out and bowing to all the staff. Jungkook came over to me while holding a box.

"We're still trainees but we all pitched in and bought you a present Hyung!" Jungkook smiled and handed me the box. I opened it and my eyes widened, "Holy shit these are so cool."

I took the pair of headphones out and then looked at the bottom of the box to see a few notebooks. I looked up at the members then nodded, "Thanks, guys."

"No problem Hyung! Oh, and all of us are going out to get some food tonight," Taehyung smiled and I nodded before putting the gift back into the box carefully. I set it next to my other stuff then got ready to practice.

Ri Hyo's P.O.V. (A few hours later)

I sighed as the bell rang. Finally, I'm done. I packed my things up into my bag then started the walk home. After about 10 minutes, I opened the door and saw two pairs of shoes. Does Jimin have a friend over? I softly clicked my tongue before taking my own shoes off and heading further into the apartment.

"You're back!"

I smiled at Jimin and at the unfamiliar boy making him stand up and bow, "Hello, my name is Jung Hoseok, but you can call me Hobi."

"Well, Hobi, nice to meet you! My name is Park Ri Hyo," I sat down next to Jimin and Hobi looked between the both of us before asking, "Are you two dating or..."

I shook my head and put Jimin into a headlock, "This is my little brother, he's a pain"

"N-Noona," Jimin tapped my arm and I let him go, "Oh cmon Jiminie, you're not that weak."

Jimin turned and glared at me making me wink at him before standing up, "So Hobi, will you be staying for dinner?"

"Actually, Jimin and I are going to be heading out a little later. It's one of our members' birthdays," Hobi scratched the back of his neck and I nodded, "Take care of my Jiminie, and please keep an eye on him. Which may be hard since he's sho-"

"Noona! Hajima!" Jimin cut me off making both Hobi and I laugh. They stood up and headed towards the door as I waved them goodbye.

"Jung Hoseok huh?" I mumbled then shook my head, "I wonder who the rest are."

My phone buzzed snapping me out of my thoughts and I pulled it out of my pocket.

Oppa: Were you late to your class?

Riri: Just a little, but the professor let it slide

Oppa: Hmm, should I make it up to you?

Riri: Peach juice, your treat, tomorrow?

Oppa: Deal, around 2

Riri: Good with me

Oppa: See you then

Riri: Alright

I shut my phone off then headed towards my room before face planting. Why am I so excited? It's just going out to get peach juice with Yoongi. I scrunched up my nose and buried my face deeper into my pillow before groaning, "You fall too easily Riri."

I sighed before turning to lay on back and slapped my cheeks gently, "Too easily."

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