The Lord's Deal Chapter 2: Home

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Dipper watched as the man walked over to a red-headed girl. She wore a rolled-up-sleeve tux and looked bored. "Red." he said. "Make sure he gets cleaned up-he smells like he hasn't bathed in weeks! Make sure to bring him to my room once he's clean. I have to take care of." He said and pointed at Dipper. Dipper felt embarrassed. 'So much for a first impression....' Dipper thought.

The girl walked over to Dipper. "You OK? Let's get you bathed..." She said. As they walked to their destination, the girl tried to make a conversation. "So, uh, what's your name?" She asked. Dipper looked at her, "My names...Dipper." He said hesitantly. "Dipper? Like the constellation?" She asked. "It's a nickname...anyway, what's yours?" Dipper asked. "Wendy. By the way, don't be so tense, it's not that bad here. Well, when Cipher doesn't have major headaches, that is."

Wendy said and opened a door. Dipper gazed over the golden bathroom. Golden tub, sink, toilet, and everything. " bad is his headaches?" Dipper asked. "Hmm, well, some days he's really stressed and gets angry easily." Wendy replied. "So when he does, make sure to keep away or try to calm him down a bit." She set up the bath and Dipper dove in. "Oh, and Dipper? Your clothes are here. Come out when you're ready, I'll be outside." she said and left. Dipper thought about what Mabel was planning and what happened to Pacifica.

After about 10 minutes, he got out of the bath. He looked around for the clothes. It.....was a dress...? He didn't get it- why would Wendy leave him a dress? "W-Wendy?" he asked. "Yeah, what's up?" she responded. "Uh....w-why'd you leave me with a dress?" He asked her once more. "Hey, I don't make the rules. Plus, that was the only thing I found." she replied. Dipper looked back at the dress. It was pretty sky blue with a white belt. There was also a set of shoes that were black and white. He complied and put it on. He walked outside where Wendy was standing.

"H-how do I look?" Dipper said. "Nice." She said. "Follow me." Dipper followed he along a huge hallway. He looked over paintings of of Cipher. " Cipher?" he asked. "Well, Cipher isn't his name. It's Bill Cipher. He apparently he's the overlord of some random place and chose here to live...? I don't know, that's what he said to me." She explained. She opened the door to a a whole story sized room. "You may not believe it, but this whole entire thing is his room. All I have is a room all the way downstairs. I can't complain though, it's pretty big. I'll show you one time." Wendy said, "So I guess you have to stay here until like, he comes back. Is that okay with you that I leave? I have things to do. Sorry Dipper." "No, it's OK. You can go if you want. Maybe I'll just take a nap or look around." Dipper replied, assuring her that everything was alright. "OK, but make sure not to leave this room, OK?'" Dipper nodded as she closed the door.

Dipper laid on the golden bed sheets. Man, this guy really liked black and gold. Dipper waited about an hour, in that time he fell asleep a little. "Pine Tree~" a familiar voice rang, "Wake up~!" Dipper rubbed his eyes "Hmm?" Dipper realized what he got himself into. Bill was pinning him down and smiling at him. Bill looked different, now he had a simple dress shirt and black pants. "I see you're wearing the dress I designed for you." Dipper blushed and remembered what he was wearing. "You look awfully cute in it." Dipper stood out of bed and crossed his arms. "I have a deal for you." Bill said. "Ugh, another deal?" Dipper sighed, "What is it?" "If you can be mine, I will spare your family and that Blondie." Dipper looked at him. "Do we have a deal?" Bill asked and held out his hand. "Fine..." Dipper said and shook Bill's hand. Bill pulled him into his lap and took his wrist. With his finger that lit fire, he took his wrist and outlined a triangle-like pyramid. "So everyone knows you're mine..." He took Dipper's left hand and slid a golden ring with a diamond on it onto his ring finger. Bill showed him his own hand ,with a ring on it as well, and held it next to each other. "This too." He kissed Dipper's cheeks as he blushed. "You're special, Pine Tree..."

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