In which I'm ready depression

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The funeral was on a sunny day. The sky was clear with few clouds because this isn't movie world when it rains at every funeral. Sam didn't leave James' side during the funeral. Holly stayed near Lewis and let Sam be there for James. The others also showed up for moral support but didn't say much to him. James was non-stop crying throughout the service. Sam reassured him that it wasn't his fault and that it was an accident. He let James cry on his shoulder and he would try his best to make him feel better.

Holly and Lewis sat apart from Sam and James and apart from the others. Occasionally they would whisper to each other and look around. If it wasn't for the grief and sorrow of the funeral someone probably would've noticed how suspicious they were acting.

A few days had passed but James was still a mess. Sam spent more and more time with him and less with Holly. Holly was understanding of the situation but she couldn't help feeling neglected. She continued to talk to Lewis in place of Sam. While James cried into Sam, Holly was talking to Lewis. Sam wanted to talk to Holly about what was bothering her before the accident but as time passed he forgot about it completely.

James missed five days of school after the funeral. Part of it was because of his injuries. The other part was Barney. His parents let him see a therapist and he would visit the guidance counselor during school but he told most of his feelings to Sam. Meanwhile, Holly told all of her feelings to Lewis. No one noticed they were getting closer. Until one day someone mentioned something.

"Hey are Holly and Lewis dating?"

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