Greg's God-daughter pt.1

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It was mid-day now, she was sitting in a legless onesie with long sleeves, diaper poking out now and then. She was sitting in the middle of the floor, playing with some barbie's. Sherlock was laying on the sofa wrapped in a blanket, John was in bed. Both now had the flu and felt awful, they hoped they could fight it off better than the baby. Sherlock kept nodding off on the sofa, he was supposed to watch her while John slept and later he could sleep while John watched her, running out of time and options Sherlock rang his brother. 

"I hope we don't have to ring and check up on one another now when were ill." Mycroft said on Sherlock's second call, "That makes two of us Mycroft." Both their voices sounded rough and painful, "How is she?" Mycroft asked, "Better than us. " "Well, the way she lived I'm not surprised she fought it off quicker." "I've called Greg, I'm hoping he can watch her for a bit." "Okay, well I've got actual government business to get to so if were done with the small talk," "Oh thank god yes." "Get well little brother," "Never say that to me again." Sherlock said as he hung up the phone. "Daddyyyy," she whined, "playyy." He gave a weak smile, "Come here then baby, Daddy's too ill to move." She giggled and crawled over to the sofa and passed him a doll, "Daddy and Da are very ill baby," "I know Daddy, you've got one of the orthomyxoviridae viruses." Sherlock couldn't help but smile widely at this, he pulled her onto his lap. Well, he moved and winced so she crawled on his lap. "Really baby?" "Ya, it's the umbrella term for influenza, there are 7 genera's of it." "I thought there were only 4?" "4 affect vertebrate, there are 7 overall," "Well.why don't you tell Daddy about them while he rests his eyes, yeah?" She went on to tell him about avian flu. 

Sherlock loved it when she explained things to him, it meant she was eager to learn and explain things. It made her so happy to show her knowledge. Her father had probably reprimanded her for talking about nonsense that wasn't relevant, Sherlock on the other hand loved to hear he talk, it made her feel smart and needed. She often asked John about some of the things he'd seen at the clinic and then asked his to explain the science behind it.

"Daddy...Daddy," Sherlock woke to her quietly crying, he wasn't on his lap anymore. He sat up, head still aching, and looked around, he looked behind the sofa and found her huging her knee's and sniffling. She looked up and a new wave of tears hit her as she saw him, "Daddy," She said through the tears as she reached up so he would pick her up. "I'm sorry baby, I can't pick you up, I don't have the strength. His chest hurt as much as his head and he couldn't breath through his nose. She wailed as she crawled out from her hiding spot and into her room. Sherlock felt awful that he couldn't take care of her. So he text the one person left on his contacts. Detective Inspector Greg Lestrade.  

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