Greg's God-daughter pt.5

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Greg was gentle with the bath, he massaged the shampoo into her scalp and combed the conditioner in the ends. He gently moved the flannel in small circles around her body, telling her where he was moving to next. By the end of it she was comfortable with what Greg was doing and just closed her eyes, Greg smiled when she did this as it proved her trust in him. He cupped his hands together and poured water over her head to wash everything off, "How often do you have take-away sweetheart?" She hummed thoughtfully, "Never," "Never ever?" "Never ever ever," "Well, how would you feel about Chinese?" She lit up, "Really?" Greg lifted her out of the bath chuckling, "Yeah if you want." He wrapped a towel round her and carried her to his spare room he'd made up for her. He placed her down on the bed, "Sorry I don't have a crib or anything, I hope you still like the bed." She ran her hand over the birdcage pattern, "I love it." Greg smiled and kissed her head. He ran the towel along her body to dry her off and rubbed it on her hair like she was a wet dog which made her laugh, then he changed her into a new nappy and onesie and took her downstairs.

"Yeah hi, can I get number 4, number 27, and a number 6. Okay, Okay thank you bye," Greg ordered the Chinese while she browsed through the movies available in the lounge. "Okay princess we've got yuk sung, chow mien and special fried rice. Sound good?" "Chiken and lettuce leaves, and noodles right?" Greg sat down on the sofa, " That's right baby. So, what film are we gonna watch?" She picked up a DVD from behind her, The Greatest Showman. Greg smiled, "So she's a musicals girl then." She crawled onto the sofa and leaned into Greg as he put his arm round her.

The Chinese came when the review of the circus came out in the newspaper and was eaten by the time they met the queen. "So how was that babycakes? Did you like it?" "I loved it Baba," Greg kissed her head as the next song began. When Never Enough came on he could feel her straighten her posture, and she started to hum along. Then she began to sing, Greg instantly lit up as he heard her amazing voice, but when she realised she was singing she looked up at him and looked flustered, "Sorry." "Don't apologise baby, keep singing." She looked at him confused but stood up and began to sing.

 All the shine of a thousand spotlights
All the stars we steal from the night sky
Will never be enough
Never be enough
Towers of gold are still too little
These hands could hold the world but it'll
Never be enough
Never be enough  

Never enough
Never, never
Never enough
Never, never
Never enough
For me
For me
For me  

She finished the song. She hit every note and added her own vocalisation, that worked perfectly. She turned round and looked at the floor, "That was just..." Greg was speechless. She shuffled over to the sofa and sat down again, still not meeting Greg's gaze. "Does Daddy know you can sing like that?" She shook her head, "Does he know you can sing at all?" She shook he head again. "Why not?" She finally looked up at him, "Father doesn't like it when I sing," She sounded older than she ever had before. He quickly pulled her in for a hug, he held her tight and stroked her head.

She has never mentioned any memory of her biological father, she had never mentioned any time before Sherlock and John found her. 

"Daddy would really like it if you sang for him, he'd be so proud." He held her so tight he could feel her heart beat blend with his, "He would love it."

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