Greg's God-daughter pt.8

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I don't know about John but I was feeling much better by the time Greg arrived and seeing her defiantly made me feel better. When she's laying in my arms I feel like I finally have a family, I've always known I loved her, ever since the day we found her.

"Sherlock wait!" I hear John cry, doesn't matter though, I can't. Not here, not now, I know where she is. The investigation had led us to this abandoned school, he had to be here. I sprint round the corner and see something I defiantly wasn't expecting. In the middle of the main dining hall there was a girl, a teenage girl, 15 years old, but she didn't look it. She was in a onesie covered in baby-ish patterns, she was unhealthily skinny, blood around her hips, defiantly self inflicted. I strode towards her slowly, only then did she notice me. She got up to run but only took a few steps before she fell, the closer I got she louder she became. By the time I was a foot away she was wailing, if I couldn't see her I would've thought it were an actual baby, "Sherlock I told you t... what the hell." John was now standing in the doorway, I didn't look round as he slowly walked closer to her. When John had walked in she stopped wailing at me, she was just sobbing as I crouched down to her level. Her breath was still rocky as I held out a hand to her face, she moved away slightly so I immediately stopped but she moved back to her original position. I reached forward again, this time she didn't move. I brought my hand to her face and brushed the dirt off her cheek and it was like something snapped. Something paternal inside of me was just switched on, I had never cared about anything that wasn't important but it was like she was now the most important thing on earth. "Are you okay?" I ask quietly, she didn't reply but she nuzzled into my touch as my hand is still by her cheek. "Sherlock who is she?" John asked, he was now standing behind me, I'm still not looking round, I have to keep watching her, I have to keep her safe. "She's important John." She looked me dead in the eye and smiled for the first time, I took off my coat and wrapped it round my shoulders. She put her hand on my chest and smiled again, she leaned into me and wrapped her arms around my waist. Instinctively I wrapped mine round hers and pulled her onto my lap. This is going to change things. 

"Read me something else Daddy," "I've just read you 3 books sweetheart, don't you want to do something else?" "I just like your voice and your chest vibrating." Sherlock chuckled, "How about we go in the lounge and play with Baba and Da mmm?" She nodded in agreement, "But I have a feeling someone needs a change," She looked down but nodded again, "Come on then baby." he carried her into her room and placed her on the bed. "Baba did something smart, that's weird." She giggled as he pulled off the leggings and opened the dirty nappy, "What was smart Daddy?" "He put you in leggings," He said as he cleaned her bum. "Yeah that was smart," She said quietly. Sherlock new it was a risk talking about her legs, they were covered in scars and she saw herself as fat even though she was just over the line of a healthy weight. He put a new nappy under her, "Well, that doesn't stop it being a crime to hide such beautiful legs." He kissed up and down her calf, she laughed and wriggled around on her bed. He held her still and taped up the new diaper. "Its' getting late, are you tired yet?" "Not tired enough to not play." He smiled as he picked her up and placed her on his hip and kissed her head. "Let's see what Baba and Da are doing?" 

"There you are. Ha!" John said as he grabbed her form under the table, "That took a while didn't it baby, I think your the best at hide and seek." "I know," she said through her dummy. The boys laughed, "I think she's the best at everything Sherlock," Greg said. "I do too Greg, I do too." Sherlock replied as she giggled. Then the doorbell went. "I'll get it," said Greg. He answered the door and an important looking man in suit was there. "Hello sir do you own this building?" "Who wants to know?" The man held up an ID, "I work in the government sector in housing, do you own this house?" "Uh, no but the land lady's not here." "Do you live here sir?" "No," "I'm going to need to speak with the residents present." Greg rubbed his eyebrow, "Uh okay, give me a sec."

"Sherlock, John, a man at the door needs to see us. He's with the government," John got up and walked downstairs, "Will you be okay for a bit on your own baby, it'll just be a sec?" She nodded and Sherlock kissed her on the head and passed her her blankie "Good girl." He walked downstairs with Greg to meet John, "What's this about?" John asked, "Doesn't someone else live here, a girl?" "Yeah, but..." John was cut off by Sherlock. "He's not from the government," "What are you talking about Sherlock?" But before he could quite finish the sentence Sherlock bolted upstairs after closing the door. "Sherlock what's wrong" Greg asked running after him, John close behind. They found him in a heap on the floor clutching her blankie close to his face, "Sherlock, whe... where is she?" John asked him, "He took her." Sherlock replied quietly passing him the apple with 'I O U' carved into it. "Moriarty took her," "Why would he do that, what does she have to do with him. How does he even know she exists?" Sherlock stood up and turned round, he looked Greg straight in the eye when he said "Because she's his daughter."

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