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Gayu got up in the morning holding her head and felt something on her. She saw a hand on her boobs and another around her waist and felt something between her legs but the problem was that, she felt that she was not wearing anything. Her eyes got big in shock. She shouted at the top of her voice due to which Naksh got up and saw Gayu and got shocked as well. He then saw that she was not wearing anything ans his eyes was on her boobs when Gayu covered herlsef with the duvet. Naksh then saw both of their conditions and realised. Naksh "what the fuck are you doing in my room, Ms.Arya" he said in anger. Naksh "ju....just get....get the... fuck out of my room now. Gayu huridly got up herself and picked her clothes and exited the room. Naksh was frustrated after that and went to the washroom and was standing in front of the mirror. He saw himself and felt disgusted for what he did and punched the mirror due to which the mirror broke into piences and his hand started bleeding.

After sometime Gayu came downstairs and saw Naksh in the kitchen. Naksh saw her but couldn't meet her eyes as it was an akward moment for both of them.
Naksh " uh... Ms.Gayu, I... I think... we should... forget everyhing.... I mean... you are und....understanding... what I'm trying to say.... right?" Gayu "ye...yes.... sir.." she said looking at the legs. Naksh "we have to leave in 2 hours so don your packing then."
Both of them ate lunch in silence.

Gayu went to her room for packing her bag and Naksh went out for soem work. Gayu to herself "oh... my fuckin god, what will happen now. Oh fuck oh fuck, I'm doomed, what if I....... no no no.... save me god.... fuck me... urghh...... he already fucked me senselessly..... shit.... fuck man...." she said getting frustrated. After packing her bag she slept.
Naksh came back and went to a room which was locked from many years. Naksh took a frame which was hanging on the wall held it close to him. Naksh "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. I'm really sorry. I... I don't know what happened that I couldn't control what was happening. I'm sorry... love....it feels like I betrayed you." saying this he started crying sitting on the floor still holding the frame close. Naksh then herad some noices and huridly went out and locked the door. He then saw Gayu coming out of her room with her bags.

Boh of them reached the airport and went to Naksh's private plane. Ride back to States was quite. Next day they reached States and the driver came to pick them up. At first the Naksh drop Gayu at her place then he went to NK VILLA.

Next day Naksh was in his cabin when Naira entered and hugged Naksh. Naira "I miss you bhai. You know wh...." she then noticed that Naksh was zoned out so she shook him. Naksh "ye... yeah Naira..." Naira "what happened bhai?" Naksh "nothing... just work." Naira "oh... okay. I have to go now, bye bhai" saying this she exited the cabin.


Gayu decided to go out and meet her friends so she could meet everyone. Gayu reached Shubh's club and went for a drink. A guy came and started flirting with her. He held her hand and pulled her towards him. Guy "hey baby, why you standing alone here. Come with me? I will make your night rememberable. Come baby" he said touching her and trying to kiss her but then the next second he was on the floor bleeding from nose. Everyone surrounded to see the man who punched the guy and he was none other than Naksh show and the music also stopped. The guy got up and tried to punch Naksh but he held his fist and kicked him in the guts. Till then Shubh also came there and saw Gayu scared and Naksh beating a guy. He stopped Naksh and told the bouncers to throw the guy out of the club. Gayu was sobbing so Shubh took her in his arms and started comforting her. Shubh "Gayu... stop crying... look you're safe.. Gayu baby calm down.." Gayu then saw Naksh who was looking at her with concern. Shubh "thanku bhaiya for saving Gayu." Naksh "Its my duty.... I mean no problem. I would have done same if there was any other girl at her place." Shubh " Gayu, come I will drop you home." Naksh "don't worry, I will drop her. Her appartment comes in my way anyways. Shubh was looking at Gayu if she was okay with going with Naksh and saw her nod. Shubh hugged Gayu last time and asked her to take care.

Naksh and Gayu were in Naksh car. Gayu started the conversation. Gayu "thanku sir for saving me oncr again." Naksh "I've told there also Ms.Arya that it is nothing but you should stay alert. We do't know when the problem comes in our lives." Gayu "yes... sir... bye sir..." she said when she saw that they are her building's front and got out of the car. Naksh went from therr when he saw that she entered safetly enetered her building.


Kaira were laying in the bed hugging each other with Naira's head on Kartik chest. Naira "Kartik, did you also felt as if something was wrong with bhai and Gayu?" Kartik "umm... no? why? Did something happen?" Naira "no I mean... I don't know... but I think there is something for sure they are hiding from us."
Kartik "I think, you are overthinking. Sleep" saying this Kartik slept but Naira couldn't sleep.

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