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Sayash Room

Naksh and Yash were laying on the bed when Yash saw Naksh disturbed and thinking something. Yash "what happened? What are you thinking?" Naksh "what would I've done if something would have happened to her. It was my mistake due to which she got kidnapped." Yash put a hand on his shoulder to console him.
Yash "it was not your mistake." Naksh "yes it was dude. I don't know what happens to me whenever she is close to me, talks to me or does anything. I like but..... but then I think about Tara andstarts realising that I'm cheating on her. I think I love Ms.Arya." he said the lat sentence very low but Yash heard it and was happy for him. Yash "do you really love her? If yes then its a good then but if keep on thinking like that then dude you are wrong. Everyone knows how much you love Tara but dude its not like you are cheating or anything. You are just thinkig too much. You should think about Gayu and your child. She loves you and I know that you also know that she loves you. You should confess buddy." Naksh looked at him with mixed emotions.
Yash "now what?" Naksh "thanks bud, you've always been there for me thanku so much" he said hugging Yash.

Naksh Room

Sanju was laying beside Gayu when she stir in her sleep. Sanju heard her mummering in her sleep. She was sweating heavily. Gayu "please.... leave me.... leave me... Naoh leave me please...." she was having nightmare.
She woke up suddenly sweating. Sanju huged Gayu and consoled her who was crying. Sanju "Gayu calm down... no one's here... look you're in the room... Gayu... calm down" she said caressing her hair to calm her down and then gave her water to drink. Sanju "want anything else?" Gayu "where is... where is everyone?"
Sanju "Yash and Nick aur in my room. Kartik Naira and Shubh went back and Rishi and Keerti went back to India. Now lay down." Gayu "is sir... okay?" Sanju nodded. Sanju "do you love Nick?" Gayu couldn't meet her eyes. Sanju "you can tell me." Gayu nodded. Sanju "then why are you ashamed? We are not saying anything and its good thing that you love him." Gayu "but he don't." Sanju "what if I say that he does...?" Gayu "bu... he loves his wife." Sanju "Tara is no more" she said in a low voice but Gayu heard it. Gayu "but he said he cannot love anyone." Sanju "we will talk about it later. Now you just sleep. Goodnight" she said and laid beside Gayu.

Next Day


Naira opened her eyes and saw Kartik still sleeping. She got and moved to washroom to freshen up and took her towel with her leaving her clothes on the bed only. After taking bath Naira came out wearing a towel with was a little loose and Naira didn't noticed it. When Naira came out Kartik was sitting in the bed now fully aware of her presence. Suddenly her towel came unwrapped and fell on the floor. Kartik mouth was agape and was in shock as well as surprise to see her in nothing with wet hair and water sliding down from the neck to valley of the bosoms to her vagina and her long legs. He bacme stiff in his trousers. He could feel his erection. He got up from bed and started moving towards Naira who was moving backward noticing Kartik walking her like a tiger got prey and of was going to jump on her. She moved back till her back hit the washroom door. She turned and unlocked the door to go inside it but in a swift movement Kartik was there in front of her blocking her way. Naira had seen his erection and knew that now he is not in his senses and wants to make love to her. She also wanted the same but she was now almost 7 months pregnant and was worried about the baby so she stopped Kartik and told him that they shouldn't get intimate promising him that after the baby comes she herself will ask him to devour each and every part of her.


Naksh was sitting beside Gayu on the bed in his room. Naksh held her hand which caused Gayu to look at him. Naksh was looking at her in a different way she noticed. It was not the angry, arrogant and bossy NK but sweet, loving and caring Naksh.
Naksh "Gayu, I want to say something to you." Gayu was shocked to her that he had called her Gayu for the first time. Naksh "I... I Love you... Gayu. I really do. I don't know what happened to me that time when he was talking ill about you. It was something else which I've only elt for one girl before and that was my wife Tara as you know. I love her... I will always. She was my life but now you are. I cannot think my life wthout you. I want you in my life... I want to love you... will you... will you stay with this arrogant, bossy but sexy Nk for you life?" he asked looking in her eyes with a smile. Gayu had tears in her eyes after hearing his confessing. She hugged him who hugged her back. Gayu "I will we happy to spent the rest of my life with you Mr. Sexy NK" saying this she kissed him and he reciprocated it with pulling her in his lap and deepening the kiss. After few they broke the kiss and Gayu was panting heavily. Naksh kissed her beely show the affection towards his baby for the first time. Naksh "daddy loves you baby and mumma." Gayu put her heard on his shoulder. Gayu "si... I... I mean... what should I call you?" she asked sheepishly. Naksh chuckled "you can call me anything sweetheart" he said kissing her cheek. Gayu "Naksh..." she said his name for the first time and put her head down thinking what he might be thinking now. Naksh put his fore finger and thumb under her chin and asked her to look at him. Naksh "it looks so sexy to her my name from this sexy mouth of yours." Gayu "Naksh... can we marry before the baby is born?" Naksh was happy to hear it. Naksh "next week?" Gayu "yeah... thanku" she said hugging him.

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