WEEK 39: Awakening

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I opened my eyes. But I couldnt get them to focus on anything. I could hear people shuffling around but it all sounded so muffled. I felt so tired. I felt like I was fighting my body. Was I pushing for awareness that I wasnt ready for?

I let myself fall into my dreamless slumber again.

It wasn't long till I felt someone shaking me awake. Their hand was on my shoulder and it bothered me to no end. This time around they seemed pretty insistent.

"Hey Ethan, I need you to wake up kiddo." This voice sounded masculine. It also didn't sound familiar. I don't think he understands how tired I am. The man wouldn't stop the shaking of my shoulder.

UGH. Okay. I really am not pushing awareness for myself. Other people are. My body wants rest.

"Hey Ethan, can you hear me?"

The muffled sounds seem to be a thing of the past. I am giving into consciousness, whether I like it or not. I try to open my eyes once more. I can't seem to get it right. The bluriness won't go away. I look over where the voice is. All I manage to notice is a dark silhouette of someone. The bed I'm on shoots my upper body up and I'm beyond annoyed. I hope that someone can tell I'm peeved off.

I have no idea whats going on or where I am. I just know that I have blurry vision and someone around me wants me awake.

"Hi Ethan, I'm Doctor Paylor. Can you hear me ok?"

I try to speak only to find out I have no voice and my throat is super fucking dry. This must be a joke.

"Okay Ethan. So no speaking for you at the moment. That's okay. I'm going to ask you to squeeze my hand."

I try to move my left hand to squeeze but I end up moving something else? The doctor seems to notice this and sighs.

"Try squeezing your right hand."

I tried to find my right hand but I don't feel like I have one.

"Ethan, this will take a while. I don't want you to feel discouraged but I need you awake today for a couple of hours. Being asleep for days on end is not helping your recovery. I'm not saying I need you out of bed. I just need you to try moving your limbs a few times during the day and I need you to attempt to drink fluids. I know you probably can't see me right now. The blurriness will go away in a few days. Anything you hear may sound muffled sometimes. Your body is adjusting. Please be patient. You have a visitor on the way. He says he is family. Don't worry, I'll let him know you can't communicate. If you feel that you are struggling to stay conscious at any time just give into it. Its absolutely normal. The nurses and myself will awake you every few hours to get you conscious and moving a little." I hear him step away and close the door.

I tried again to move my left hand. All I got were tingles and jerky movements somewhere else. What's wrong me? I try to move parts of my body but it feels heavy. I try to move my foot but it feels almost like I don't have one. Like I'm moving an imaginary body part. I move my head to the side but struggle to lift it up. I try opening my eyes and once again all I see is a blur. I try blinking it away but it seems to stay the same.

I hear the doorknob turn and hear someone with squeaky shoes walk in and close the door. The squeaky shoes move toward me. I try to open my eyes to see but all I can see is dark figure. I know its not the doctor because of the squeaky shoes.

"Hey man. Glad to see you awake. I was wondering when the clinic would let you up from the drugs. I brought you a bottle of water. I don't trust clinic water. I'll move the straw to your lips. Try taking a couple of sips."

I feel the straw bump my lips and I try my best to open them to let the straw in. I suck the water to the best of my ability. I feel giddy as I manage to do this task, sort of. The water tastes amazing even if a lot of it seems to be trickling past my chin.

"Ok Ethan. No more. The doc says we gotta get you into this stuff slowly. Lucky for you I have all the time in the world." I feel my chin being dabbed with soft material.

I hear the person move away. I feel the person move my legs and seconds later I feel the persons weight on the bed.

"Ethan I'm so happy right now. It only took 8 months but Anila won the case. I am allowed on the Isle. I am allowed on earth. I am allowed to be. I thought my kids were for my banishment but they were the first ones to congradulate me. I Got to hold my kids after centuries. I understand now that I'm the idiot here. I never tried coming back for fear of the consequences. But Vita was kind and seemed genuinely happy for me. I get to spend time with you now! I am your Great-Great-Great-Great-Great grandfather. So yes, I will be watching over you kid."

My Great-Great-Great-Great-Great grandfather? How is that possible? I'm not dead, am I? I'm in a clinic of some sort though right? What happened to me? How is this guy my grandpa?

I feel him squeeze my leg. I feel a surge of gratitude for the bat shit crazy man. I feel my leg. I feel where it is and it wont be long now before it stops feeling so out of my reach.

"Ethan, You and I will be ok! I feel like in a month you'll be out of this place and you'll be blending into society. I'll be looking for a place for us but I have a feeling we can use Cycle of life's pad. She isn't even here. I'm sure she wont mind if her soulmate and her soulmate's grandpa take up in her treehouse. I'll be here everyday kiddo. We'll rehabilitate you together. "

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