The Party Part 1

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3rd Person
"Alright it's time for you to go to bed." Grell said booping Ciel's nose when they got back to her house. He flinched when she did it.
"But.." He began to protest.
"No, bed now. You may not want to agree with me but you are still 'physically' a child and sooooo, you have to get your beauty rest."
"But I saw something on your calendar." Ciel smiled almost devilishly. Grell had begun walking out of the kitchen but then she turned to listen, slightly intrigued. Ciel gulped before speaking.
"There is a little red message circled also in red...a party??"
Ciel's POV
Grell sighed at my request to go to the party.
"HEY!! PUT ME DOWN!! YOU HAVE NO RIGHT!!!" I screamed when Grell picked me up and took me to a bedroom.
"No, and do you want to know why??" Grell asked his hands on his hips. I nodded.
"Because people get drunk not even ten minutes into the party and things happen that do not need to be seen by a person of your age. Not to mention Sebastian will have my head."
"But I'm ordering you to take me and if you were Sebastian you would have to take me." I said sternly. Grell sighed again and mumbled, more like cursed under his breath.
"Fine..." He said in exasperation.
"But you're not wearing...that." He said moving his finger in an up and down motion, air tracing my body.
"Do you even have anything for me??" I asked.
"Of course I do!! I always have something in case of anything." Grell said lifting a finger in the air.
Grell's POV
I ran to the closet pulling out a small suit that would just about fit Ciel.
"Here we are!" I put it up to him and nodded.
"Perfect!" I began stripping his other clothes and putting on the black suit. He blushed cutely and I giggled. He looked in my full length mirror at himself.
"This looks like something Sebastian would wear."
"It looks like something a grim reaper would wear." I corrected him as I took off my blouse. He gasped and quickly covered his eyes. I just giggled at him.
Ciel's POV
3rd Person
Grell took off her shirt and grabbed a casual yet professional red short sleeved shirt and kept the rest of her outfit. The pants and the heels.
"Be right back." Grell told Ciel. She quickly ran to the bathroom moisturizing her face and neck then putting on just natural makeup, including the regular foundation, concealer, and powder, whitish nude eyeshadow, the smallest bit of eyeliner, mascara, and red lipstick. She came back to find Ciel still admiring himself in the mirror.
"Alright superstar lets go." Grell said pulling him away from the mirror. In about twenty minutes they reached the grim reaper association building where lights beamed from the windows. When walking inside Grell pulled Ciel close.
"I don't want you to get lost." Grell said pulling him along, with him smooshed up against her side. They went up a couple of flights of stairs to a room that was completely dark with a couple of flashing strobe lights, and it was full of people.
"Grell!! You made it!" Ronald Knox walked up to them. Ciel instinctively hid behind Grell when he walked up.
"Barely..." Grell said in an exasperated voice.
"I see you have yourself a tag along." Ronald said looking down at Ciel with a smile.
"Grell you're cruel bring a child to one of these." He said looking back up at Grell. Her face turned bright red and her eyebrow twitched.
"He made me!" Grell said growling, but she calmed down instantly.
"I need a shot." Grell said walking over to a long table, pouring herself a drink.
"What was that??" Ciel asked pointing to the empty shot glass still in her hand.
"Alcohol sweetheart, you can't have any!" Grell said twirling her finger at him.
"Now I'll be right back I have to talk to Will about something, Ronald...don't let him out of your sight. And NO alcohol!!" Grell said. She then walked into the crowd and disappeared.
"Soooo...Phantomhive??" Ronald said trying to start up a conversation. Ciel looked at him.
"How'd you end up with Grell, thought you hated her??" Ronald questioned. Ciel just stared for a moment trying to think of an answer. He wanted to say he hated him but...something in the back of his head was nagging at him.
"Well, I asked Sebastian to go do something for me, and he hasn't come back yet, I was kidnapped and Grell found me." Ronald just laughed.
"What's so funny??" Ciel asked in annoyance.
"I'm just laughing at Grell, she's always so full of surprises like usual." Ronald said smiling up at the ceiling.
"What to do you mean, and why do you refer to Grell as she??" Ronald just sighed, a happy or just carefree sigh.
"I use female pronouns for Grell because I'll get an ass whippin' if I don't.." He laughed.
"I also use female pronouns because I feel like it just fits Grell more, he is more female then male if you actually take the time to look at it, I mean if Grell wasn't a male, hell he'd probably be the best mother on planet Earth." Ciel thought about this for a second or two. He was actually starting to see it.

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